Friday, December 26, 2014

20 Weeks


How far along? 20 weeks 
Total weight gain: There is no telling. After all of the Christmas celebrations and I'm scared to know!
Maternity clothes? About the same. Half and half.
Movement? So much! Randomly throughout the day, but pretty consistent at night around 8-midnight. Busy lady in there!
Cravings?  Candy, fruit snacks, french fries...same as last week!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope 
Sleep? Sleep is great!
Best moment this week: Celebrating Christmas and revealing the gender to family and friends!
Gender: Sweet girl
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? Random nausea, tired, but overall feel great and have pretty good energy! Have to enjoy this 2nd trimester as much as I can!!
Belly button in or out? Sticking out and the top and getting verrrry shallow
What I miss: I would have definitely enjoyed a glass of wine (or champagne!!) at all of the Christmas parties/dinners we've been to throughout the month!
What I am looking forward to: Starting to figure out room plans and clothes (matching outfits?! Yes!!) and such!

Milestones: Lots of movement! Oh! And halfway there!!

Friday, December 19, 2014

19 Weeks


How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain: Had to cancel my appointment for this week because Claire was sick (first ear infection :( ), so there's no telling!
Maternity clothes? About half the time! But that's easy when the other half I'm wearing leggings and yoga pants ;)
Movement? yes!I was even able to feel something from the outside once this week!
Cravings?  Candy, fruit snacks, french, I don't wonder why I'm gaining weight like I am
Anything make you queasy or sick? No, just random
Sleep? good! Just need to try to get more of it!
Best moment this week: Our ultrasound of course!!! I am so excited we are having another girl, but more than anything it was so great to see her and know that she's right on track and healthy!
Gender: GIRL!
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? morning nausea has been hanging around (boo); super sleepy in the late afternoons, but that's probably due to the fact I've been staying up too late working on Christmas stuff! :); having crazy brain (I just skipped 4 questions above without even realizing it)
Belly button in or out? In, but the top is starting to poke out. Especially after a good meal.
What I miss: No more laying on my back and the days of laying on my stomach are soon coming to an end
What I am looking forward to: Christmas!!!!
Weekly wisdom: Pregnancy over the holidays makes it even harder to say no to all of the yummy treats!!!
Milestones: Finding out we are expecting a sweet girl <3>

Where's the baby??

Monday, December 15, 2014

It's a...


I am still a little shocked we are being blessed with another baby girl. I have always hoped for a sister for Claire and that one day- after the adolescent and teen years, ha!- they can be the best of friends. I was so nervous at our ultrasound. I was anxious to see the baby and make sure it looked good and healthy. Everything in the ultrasound looked great and SHE (eep!) is measuring right on track with our due date. I told the ultrasound tech we wanted to know the gender, but I wasn't sure I was ready to know! Health was the first priority, of course, but I will admit I was a little nervous how I would react to news of a boy because of how much I hoped for a girl, sisters. She was finishing up the ultrasound and wiping my belly and I asked if she would tell us the gender. She was like, of course! I asked her if she already knew and she said she did (I thought J and I would be able to catch it, but she was sneaky! Although we both thought we saw a sneak at the infamous "lines" ;) She gelled me back up and sure enough, another sweet girl. I said, really?! And asked her if she was 100% positive and she said, oh yeah. And proceeded to show us the three tell tale lines! I kept having strong girl feelings here and there, but had really convinced myself there was no way. I got really teary eyed. I'm just so excited for Claire to have a sister AND to use our girl name!!! So there you have it. J is going to be surrounded by ladies and there will be a lot of pink (and fights over the bathroom, clothes, and all that fun stuff!) in our future!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Boy or girl, girl or boy?!

Haha, I love this. I needed this weeks ago! It's definitely a boy or a girl. And in a few short days, we will know which one it is! I wanted to check out some old wives tales like I did when I was pregnant with Claire, and share some dreams I've had, before we officially find out. These are so silly, but it's fun to look back on! Of course there's a 50% chance it's a boy and a 50% chance it's a girl, and 100% chance it's a boy or girl ;)

Chinese calendar: Girl
Heartbeat (faster than 140 bpm = girl; slower than 140 bpm = boy): we have only gotten one heart rate and that was at the first ultrasound. It was 132 (but Claire's was about the same at that point, too), so that's all I have to go on. So undecided since it gets faster as time goes on and that was at 6 weeks!
Morning sickness (very sick = girl; not so sick = boy): LOTS of nausea so I will say Girl
Skin (breakouts = girl; clear skin = boy): Girl
Leg hair growth (no more than usual = girl; lots of growth = boy): ha, weird. Girl
Cravings (sweet = girl; salty = boy): Girl
Bump position (high and wide = girl; low and centered = boy): Since I’m not really showing, I feel like it’s hard to say. At this point, I can’t tell and just feel like it’s low and wide! Ha! No answer for this one.
Breast growth (lots of growth = girl; not much = boy): Girl
Mayan calendar: Boy
Sympathy weight (if your husband gains weight during the pregnancy = girl; if he doesn't = boy): I think he's gained maybe a few pounds, nothing major.  Girl?
Which side do you lay on when resting (right side = girl; left side = boy): almost always left, Boy
"mother's intuition" says- Depends on the day, although I'm leaning more toward girl, so....undecided!

"father's intuition" says- J says Girl
Girl: 8
Boy: 2
We will soon find out if these old wives are right or wrong!
Now for my dreams. I have only had three and they are all different! The first I was at an ultrasound (yes, I'm even dreaming about ultrasounds!) and found out I was having twins! The next I was at the doctor's office or hospital and a nurse passed me and said "I heard it's a boy!". In the last dream, we had gotten a report back from some DNA testing that would tell you if you were having a boy or girl and our results were "XXY" which, in my dream, meant girl. SO at this point if we go in and find out there are two babies in there, I won't be that surprised and I could almost guarantee there would be a boy and a girl! It would also explain my going back and forth on boy or girl. It feels weird not having more of an instinct like I felt like I did with Claire!
I also have a couple stories to share that make me feel like they are signs pointing to girl, but of course, WHO KNOWS. J and I have known for a long time if we had another girl we want to name her Kate. Back when Claire was just a few months old, we were shopping at a children's boutique and at the register they had necklaces you could buy with charms with your child's name engraved. They had one necklace on display as an example. The necklace had two charms, Claire and Kate. Weird, right?! The other was after I found out I was pregnant this time. Side story, before I ever got pregnant I was convinced we'd have a boy. But the moment I took the pregnancy test and saw it was positive, "it's a girl" popped in my head. Like a very matter of fact thought from I don't know where. It was definitely weird! Anyway, after I found out about baby #2 my mom and I were talking about baby names. We are still undecided on boy names (like really undecided. Have not been able to agree on one name!), but I was telling her about Kate and she wondered what the name meant. After I got off the phone with her, I looked it up and found Kate means pure and bright. Claire's name means clear and bright. Pretty neat, right? All of this could mean nothing, but if it turns out to be a girl, I think these are pretty cool to remember! :)

Friday, December 12, 2014

18 Weeks


How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain: I don't feel bigger, but I'm sure I am ;)
Maternity clothes? I have been wearing my maternity 3 or 4 times this week. Ha! So comfortable!
Movement? yes! I have been questioning if what I was feeling was movement or not, but it definitely is. Such a neat feeling :) He/she loves to move while I'm putting Claire to bed. That's when I notice it most.
Cravings?  Still loving fruit snacks, these yummy tangerine/carrot popsicles I got for Claire then ate almost all of them, fruit, pretzels
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope! Hardly any nausea that I can recall. Woohoo!
Sleep? sometimes have a hard time falling asleep, but sleep pretty well once I get there.
Best moment this week: feeling baby move and knowing it's baby movement!
Gender: We find out NEXT WEEK!! I can hardly contain my excitement. I've been having several days where I feel pretty strongly it's a girl...but then I get unsure again. We will know so soon!
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? just the occasional nausea, hunger, really exhausted at times. The norm!
Belly button in or out? In, but I don't think it will be long
What I miss: I really don't miss a whole lot. 
What I am looking forward to: Our anatomy scan of course! I am anxious to find out the gender, but more than anything I am so ready to take a peek at this baby and make sure he/she is healthy and growing right on track!
Milestones: MOVEMENT!

Friday, December 5, 2014

17 Weeks


How far along? 17 Weeks
Total weight gain? Too much! I was up about 12lbs at my appointment yesterday. I need to sloooow down.
Maternity clothes? Still holding out in my regular clothes...but one pair of yoga pants is getting a little tight in the waist. I better put them away before I stretch them out!
Movement? Maybe?? If so, just little pops like popcorn popping
Cravings? Still apple cider and fruit snacks! Had also been wanting this chicken and rice soup from a local Mexican restaurant and got that fix this week :)
Anything make you queasy or sick? No, thank goodness.
Sleep? Sleeping well, just staying up too late!
Best moment this week: Black Friday shopping of course! ;) I did find some good deals on maternity clothes which is nice because I hate to invest a lot of money in clothes I will only wear 6 months or less
Gender prediction? Girl?! I don't know. I'm 50/50 I guess. Ready to know so I won't have to guess anymore :)
Labor signs? No. Only harmless Braxton Hicks here and there.
Symptoms? Nausea almost completely gone!!! I can only recall having it once or twice this week. Yay! Other symptoms- headaches (although doctor says not pregnancy related); good energy, but often tired; crazy hormones (teared up when I heard the "Happy Birthday, Jesus" song on the radio. When the little girl started singing at the beginning, I got choked up! Then started laughing at myself. Ha!; sore chest :/ Back is still broken out, but not as bad as with Claire. I can't remember when I got really bad with her. Maybe this time around won't be as bad!
Belly button in or out? In, but getting flatter. Sometimes it looks like the top is already poking out some! Baby or oreos? I just can't say...
What I miss: not much! Definitely NOT missing those early pregnancy symptoms!
What I am looking forward to: this goes without saying. The anatomy ultrasound!! Not only am I super anxious to find out if this is a he or she, I'm really looking forward to getting a peek (last ultrasound was at 6 weeks and at that time resembled a peanut!) and checking baby out, making sure it's healthy!!
Weekly wisdom: Something I need to keep in mind: step away from the junk and go for the fruit and veggies!!
Milestones: Nothing major. I will say it's driving me a little crazy knowing I could go to an early ultrasound place and find out the gender at this point....

"There's a baby right there" -Claire

Friday, November 28, 2014

16 Weeks


How far along? 16 Weeks
Total weight gain? After our trip to Savannah and Charleston, plus Thanksgiving, I'm afraid to find out!
Maternity clothes? Not yet! But I did buy a few things on Black Friday :)
Movement? I don't think so...sometimes I think I do, but not pronounced enough to be sure
Cravings? Apple cider and fruit snacks
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nothing in particular
Sleep? Still sleeping well
Best moment this week: This was a fun and busy week! We went to Charleston and Savannah for 5 days, came home and 2 days later, left for Birmingham for Thanksgiving. Our trip was a great getaway- I felt good and it was so nice to not have to cook or clean for 5 days!! And I always love our family time in Birmingham.
Gender prediction? I have pretty much convinced myself boy, but I think it's all in my head. I still can't shake the girl feeling!
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? Nausea pretty much gone! Only pops up a few times a week. Yay!
Belly button in or out? In, but getting flatter
What I miss: It would have been nice to have a drink or 2 on our trip, but it's worth the wait!
What I am looking forward to: our ultrasound in less than 2 weeks!! And decorating for Christmas!
Weekly wisdom: When travelling, remember to get up and stretch to get the blood flowing and drink lots of water!
Milestones: On Friday the day I was 16 weeks, a stranger in Starbucks (I was getting an apple cider, ha!) asked if I was having a baby! I didn't think it was that obvious, but all that turkey and stuffing must have pushed the bump out a bit! ;)

Friday, November 21, 2014

15 Weeks


How far along? 15 Weeks
Total weight gain? There is no telling...
Maternity clothes? Not yet! I wear jeans about once a week (ha) and they're tighter, but still work!
Movement? No
Cravings? Apple cider
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nothing in particular
Sleep? Good! Some nights I don't even wake up to use the bathroom (but I wake up about to burst!)
Best moment this week: celebrated J's birthday and the following day left for a 5 day trip to Savannah and Charleston! Not pregnancy related, but a good time!
Gender prediction? I'm not sure this week!
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? Same stuff, but nausea is getting so much better!! Still have some most days, but can definitely tell improvement
Belly button in or out? In
What I miss: not wondering every day what this baby is! It's driving me crazy.
What I am looking forward to: finding out the gender!! ;)
Weekly wisdom: when pregnant, eat better than I do. Haha!
Milestones: Baby is about 4 inches crown to rump. Getting pretty big in there!!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Look Back at the First Trimester (in picture form)

So glad to be through the first trimester and hopefully onto a more energetic, less nausea-filled second trimester!

(Sorry week 9. Couldn't squeeze it in!)

As you can see, this time around I decided I'd wear the same dress from the beginning. Sometimes what you wear can make you look bigger or smaller, so I thought it would be fun to see the  bump in the same dress from week to week (and see how far it can stretch! Eek!). By the way, this dress is Liz Lange maternity from Target and, although I've only worn it for photos so far (still growing into it), I LOVE it!! Super comfy. I think it will make an appearance in our maternity pictures :) 

Friday, November 14, 2014

14 Weeks


How far along? 14 Weeks
Total weight gain? You guys. I have gained 5lbs in the last 2 weeks! My goal is to not gain as much as I did with Claire, buuuut this isn't giving me much confidence. Dang Halloween candy.
Maternity clothes? Nope. Despite the weight gain, my jeans still fit no problem. Although I'm already thinking ahead to Thanksgiving and I will definitely be wearing leggings and all things stretchy (which I firmly believe in, pregnant or not!)
Movement? Not yet, but I'm betting it will be very soon!
Cravings? candy and fruit and white chocolate fudge covered Oreos (seriously couldn't nap one day this week bc I kept laying there thinking about them and had to get up to eat one! Ha!)
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nothing in particular, just depends on the day
Sleep? Still no complaints
Best moment this week: pretty normal week...good appointment (minus the weight gain I totally wasn't expecting!), got to hear baby's heartbeat- the doctor didn't count, but said she would guess in 130s...sooo boy maybe?! 
Gender prediction? ??? I took a gender quiz and it told me girl, went back and changed 2 answers just to see and it said, "It's a Surprise!" I didn't need a test to tell me that! Chinese calendar says girl and it was right with mind says boy, but my "feeling" is girl. We find out in a few weeks!!!
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? Nausea- slowly, but surely getting better; occasional headaches; sometimes exhausted; breakouts; eating for "2" ;)
Belly button in or out? In
What I miss: Here is something I don't miss yet, but will soon enough so I've been enjoying it while I can! I'm a major stomach sleeper and those days are numbered, so I'm loving my tummy sleep while I don't have a bowling ball belly :)
What I am looking forward to: our next ultrasound and checking in on this baby to see how he/she is doing!

Friday, November 7, 2014

13 Weeks

How far along? 13 weeks
Total weight gain? Will find out this Thursday...
Maternity clothes? Not yet! My regular jeans still fit just fine. Although I'm surprised, because my belly is definitely growing!
Movement? Not yet...sometimes I think I feel a little pop, but I'm probably just imagining it.
Cravings? Hamburger and French fries and candy! Halloween didn't help with that last one ;)

Anything make you queasy or sick? Nothing in particular
Sleep? Pretty good! Get a nice nap during the day and about 8 hours each night.
Best moment this week: Getting to celebrate one of my closest friends and her little guy on the way! We can't wait to meet Harrison in about one month!!
Gender prediction? Not sure! It's driving me crazy! 
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? Nausea (but it's getting better everyday!! Afternoons and evenings are typically much better), occasional heartburn (started a few weeks ago- too early!), breaking out more than usual
Belly button in or out? In
What I miss: I guess I most miss feeling "normal"
What I am looking forward to: Feeling more "normal" ;)

How many people can say Princess Anna showed up for their weekly bump picture!?

Friday, October 31, 2014

12 Weeks


How far along? 12 weeks
Total weight gain? 1.5lbs. I kind of wish I had kept up with this with Claire to compare. I gained a LOT with her...
Maternity clothes? Not yet! But the fact that I pretty much live in leggings and yoga pants helps :)
Movement? No
Cravings? This week I really wanted cereal. I haven't had cereal in a long, long time! Got some Honey Nut Cheerios and almond. Yum! And apples.

Anything make you queasy or sick? Being awake. Ha!
Sleep? No complaints. Sleeping well with one bathroom wake up each night
Best moment this week: Had a doctor appointment and she was able to find the heartbeat right away!
Gender prediction? Most days I feel like it's a girl, but prior to getting pregnant I had convinced myself we'd have a boy, so I'm having a hard time shaking that!
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? Nausea, little energy, occasional headaches
Belly button in or out? In
What I miss: It's nice having the option to nap during the day, but I miss that time I used to have to do stuff around the house, read, or catch up on my shows. Hoping the 2nd trimester treats me a little better
What I am looking forward to: finding out the gender! I'm feeling super impatient about this!!
Weekly wisdom: Not really wisdom,  but all the nausea relief things I've tried really only help WHILE I'm doing it. Drinking lemon water, ginger ale, etc. Comes right back when I'm done :(

Milestones:12 weeks helps me breathe a sigh of relief! Never totally in the clear, but definitely feel better.

Friday, October 24, 2014

11 Weeks


How far along? 11 weeks
Total weight gain? My next appointment is the 30th, so I'll find out then...
Maternity clothes? Not necessary...yet! Belly is already looking like I'm eating very well, so it may not be too long ;)
Movement? No
Cravings? I think about warm, out of the oven chocolate chunk brownies with vanilla ice cream everyday, but haven't made any yet. But I mean, who doesn't crave that!? ;)

Anything make you queasy or sick?A better question would be, what doesn't? I am having some good days mixed in and have been able to tell a difference in the severity of the nausea, so I'm very grateful for that!
Sleep? No complaints
Best moment this week: J and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary at the 10 week mark! We had a great weekend and celebrated with dinner at Lockeland Table where I was so excited to feel well enough to eat and enjoy it!!
Gender prediction? I can't decide! I got back and forth daily.

Labor signs? No
Symptoms? Same ole. Nausea, little energy at times...
Belly button in or out? In! Thinking it will be for a while!
What I miss: Eating dinner after 5/5:30...ha!
What I am looking forward to: My appointment Thursday! Looking forward to checking in on this bebe and making sure everything still looks good.
Weekly wisdom: Sleep as much as possible :)

Milestones: Baby is a fetus! Go baby go! (or grow baby grow, I should say)

Claire decided to make an appearance this week :)

Friday, October 17, 2014

9 and 10 Weeks

I have told myself I'm going to keep up with my weekly posts and not slack because this is baby #2, but I've already gotten my weeks confused! So weeks 9 and 10 are combined. Hey, at least I remembered to take the weekly photo for each week! :)



How far along? 9-10 weeks
Total weight gain? Unknown. Haven't stepped on a scale since my doctor appointment on the 2nd.
Maternity clothes? No. Except for one shirt I bought prepregnancy in a smaller size. Not needed, just comfy :)
Movement? No
Cravings? Sprite Zero, apples, chocolate chip cookies. Watermelon and graham crackers still sound good most of the time. Had a few more hit me out of nowhere and had to have them cravings. One was Taco Bell, but halfway through I felt super sick- ick.

Anything make you queasy or sick? Just being awake. Haha
Sleep? Pretty good. Wake up once a night to use the bathroom. Sometimes takes a little while to get back to sleep.
Best moment this week: At 9 weeks, I was able to find the heartbeat on the doppler at home! I think I just got really lucky because I haven't found it again, but it sounded good and strong!
Gender prediction?  Can't wait to find out!
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? Nausea mostly. Tired/little energy, although afternoon naps with Claire have helped!
Belly button in or out? In
What I miss:
What I am looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat again!

Weekly wisdom: Stock up on anything that might possibly be a craving! I need to do a better job of this.
Milestones:Hearing heartbeat on the doppler for the first time

Friday, October 3, 2014

8 Weeks


How far along? 8 weeks
Total weight gain? 0
Maternity clothes/Movement? No
Cravings? Not hungry most of the time (or am hungry, but too nauseated to eat)...but random cravings hit and I have to eat it then! From a tomato to movie popcorn to sour cream and onion chips. Two things I can eat at almost anytime are watermelon and graham crackers. So thank goodness for those! I also got by these first few weeks on a lot of frozen treats.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Most food and the thought of turtlenecks. Ha! I'm so nauseous most of the time, the thought of anything touching my neck just makes me feel super queasy!

Sleep? Pretty good. Wake up once a night to use the bathroom. Forgot how early that starts!
Best moment this week: Since this is my first weekly update, I'm kind of grouping the last couple of weeks all into one. The first couple of weeks after I took the positive test were pretty stressful. Had an ultrasound very early (about 4 and a half weeks) which really gave us no answers. Got to go back on September 11th when I was about 6 and a half weeks and we immediately found the heartbeat :) (132 that day!)
Gender prediction?  I really don't know!! I try to picture both, but it's hard to imagine either! J "assumes" a girl. Before I got pregnant, I just assumed we'd have a boy, but now I'm not so sure...
Labor signs? No

Symptoms? Symptoms have been pretty much spot on to when I was pregnant with Claire. Nausea all day, most days. Tired/little energy (pretty rough when chasing around a 2 year old all day!). Emotional- I cry a little bit pretty much once a day, over the silliest things! I don't remember this with Claire, but I had a few weeks where I was pretty dizzy.
Belly button in or out? way in and normal :)
What I miss: I miss not being nauseous!! And eating more than saltines for a meal ;) But I know it's just part of it for me and it's so completely worth it.
What I am looking forward to: Looking forward to telling more friends and family! So fun.
Weekly wisdom: If pregnant, load up on saltines and sprite. Geez.
Milestones: hearing sweet baby's heartbeat at week 6 :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Claire's Two Year Photos

We met with Shea early September to do Claire's two year pictures. I wanted to do some in her studio because I just love the simple, white backdrop, but we had to get outside for some as well! As always, Shea did a great job and captured Claire's personality so well!! No idea how I'm going to pick just a couple to frame. I mean, look at her sweet face :)

{all photos by Shea Halliburton Wright,}

Friday, September 26, 2014

It's a....BABY!

That's right! Baby #2 is on his or her way in May 2015! We are pretty excited and, even though she doesn't really know what's going on, think Claire will be excited to be a big sister!! I was a little shocked (yes, this was planned, it just happened much faster than I anticipated!), but I'm looking forward to experiencing two little ones- okay, a little nervous, too!- and for them to have each other. We found out the day after Claire's 2nd birthday party. It was Monday, September 9th, and Claire and I had gone to Annie's to have lunch with her, Sarah, and Cooper. They knew I was "late" and really wanted me to take a pregnancy test. I immediately got really nervous, because I'm not super regular, but it was also very possible. After a little discussion, I knew I wanted to take one too because I had to know! I had been planning to wait a few more days, but decided it would be more fun to take it with them! Sarah and I headed to Walgreens and I grabbed the cheapest two pack they had. Got back to Annie's and dipped the stick. Immediately lines were popping up and I ran to get the box to see what a positive result looked like (note to self: it's right there on the stick. Haha). I was shaking!! I went back to the bathroom and there was an unmistakeable PLUS + sign. PREGNANT! I thought, no.way. So I went to the bathroom again and dipped the second stick. Once again, immediate dark lines appeared. With Claire, the second line was SO faint I had to ask J to make sure I wasn't seeing things! This time it was very, very clear. I didn't know what to think or feel! My first reaction was disbelief and shock. Not entirely surprised, just shocked the test was actually positive!! On the way home, I immediately called my doctor's office to let them know. I was ready to get in and make this official! After we got home and I put Claire down for her nap, I pulled out two more old pregnancy tests in the bathroom (I'm pretty sure they were expired) and both came back positive. Apparently it takes a lot of convincing for me to believe I'm pregnant. I took 4 or 5 with Claire, too. Ha! That afternoon we had Claire's 2 year photos, so when we went to pick J up from work, she handed him the positive test. The first thing out of his month was, I told you there was nothing to worry about! Haha, I had convinced myself it would take months, but not so much! Later that same week I went in for an ultrasound, but it turned out I was too early and not much, or not enough to confirm, could be detected on the ultrasound. It was a little scary and a lot stressful, but a week and a half later when I was around 6 1/2 weeks we went back in and right away we found the tiny little blob and it's heartbeat beating away. Looking and sounding great! :) I am planning to do my best keeping up with this pregnancy like I did Claire's. It's neat to look back and see what was going on with me then and I'm really glad I did it! So here's to baby #2!!

Friday, May 2, 2014


For my birthday, I got a membership to the zoo and it's been such a great gift! Claire and I go almost every week. We got to go the Monday after Easter with Sarah, Cooper, Mom, and Annie, and it was one of the best zoo days we've had! We enjoyed the company of course, but the animals seemed to be more active and got closer than our past visits. It was also Annie's birthday, so after the zoo, we went to Bobbie's Dairy Dip for some lunch. If you live in Nashville, you must check out Bobbie's! The original location is on Charlotte Avenue. It is only open during the warmer months and has all outdoor seating. They have yummy burgers and sweet potato fries, and delicious milkshakes! It was a really fun morning :)

Lulu and her grandbabies at the zoo

Wild animal on the loose!

Claire's favorite thing at the zoo right now is hanging out with the goats. Sometimes, it's all we do!
Yummm, birthday cupcakes!