Friday, December 5, 2014

17 Weeks


How far along? 17 Weeks
Total weight gain? Too much! I was up about 12lbs at my appointment yesterday. I need to sloooow down.
Maternity clothes? Still holding out in my regular clothes...but one pair of yoga pants is getting a little tight in the waist. I better put them away before I stretch them out!
Movement? Maybe?? If so, just little pops like popcorn popping
Cravings? Still apple cider and fruit snacks! Had also been wanting this chicken and rice soup from a local Mexican restaurant and got that fix this week :)
Anything make you queasy or sick? No, thank goodness.
Sleep? Sleeping well, just staying up too late!
Best moment this week: Black Friday shopping of course! ;) I did find some good deals on maternity clothes which is nice because I hate to invest a lot of money in clothes I will only wear 6 months or less
Gender prediction? Girl?! I don't know. I'm 50/50 I guess. Ready to know so I won't have to guess anymore :)
Labor signs? No. Only harmless Braxton Hicks here and there.
Symptoms? Nausea almost completely gone!!! I can only recall having it once or twice this week. Yay! Other symptoms- headaches (although doctor says not pregnancy related); good energy, but often tired; crazy hormones (teared up when I heard the "Happy Birthday, Jesus" song on the radio. When the little girl started singing at the beginning, I got choked up! Then started laughing at myself. Ha!; sore chest :/ Back is still broken out, but not as bad as with Claire. I can't remember when I got really bad with her. Maybe this time around won't be as bad!
Belly button in or out? In, but getting flatter. Sometimes it looks like the top is already poking out some! Baby or oreos? I just can't say...
What I miss: not much! Definitely NOT missing those early pregnancy symptoms!
What I am looking forward to: this goes without saying. The anatomy ultrasound!! Not only am I super anxious to find out if this is a he or she, I'm really looking forward to getting a peek (last ultrasound was at 6 weeks and at that time resembled a peanut!) and checking baby out, making sure it's healthy!!
Weekly wisdom: Something I need to keep in mind: step away from the junk and go for the fruit and veggies!!
Milestones: Nothing major. I will say it's driving me a little crazy knowing I could go to an early ultrasound place and find out the gender at this point....

"There's a baby right there" -Claire

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