Friday, December 26, 2014

20 Weeks


How far along? 20 weeks 
Total weight gain: There is no telling. After all of the Christmas celebrations and I'm scared to know!
Maternity clothes? About the same. Half and half.
Movement? So much! Randomly throughout the day, but pretty consistent at night around 8-midnight. Busy lady in there!
Cravings?  Candy, fruit snacks, french fries...same as last week!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope 
Sleep? Sleep is great!
Best moment this week: Celebrating Christmas and revealing the gender to family and friends!
Gender: Sweet girl
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? Random nausea, tired, but overall feel great and have pretty good energy! Have to enjoy this 2nd trimester as much as I can!!
Belly button in or out? Sticking out and the top and getting verrrry shallow
What I miss: I would have definitely enjoyed a glass of wine (or champagne!!) at all of the Christmas parties/dinners we've been to throughout the month!
What I am looking forward to: Starting to figure out room plans and clothes (matching outfits?! Yes!!) and such!

Milestones: Lots of movement! Oh! And halfway there!!

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