Monday, December 15, 2014

It's a...


I am still a little shocked we are being blessed with another baby girl. I have always hoped for a sister for Claire and that one day- after the adolescent and teen years, ha!- they can be the best of friends. I was so nervous at our ultrasound. I was anxious to see the baby and make sure it looked good and healthy. Everything in the ultrasound looked great and SHE (eep!) is measuring right on track with our due date. I told the ultrasound tech we wanted to know the gender, but I wasn't sure I was ready to know! Health was the first priority, of course, but I will admit I was a little nervous how I would react to news of a boy because of how much I hoped for a girl, sisters. She was finishing up the ultrasound and wiping my belly and I asked if she would tell us the gender. She was like, of course! I asked her if she already knew and she said she did (I thought J and I would be able to catch it, but she was sneaky! Although we both thought we saw a sneak at the infamous "lines" ;) She gelled me back up and sure enough, another sweet girl. I said, really?! And asked her if she was 100% positive and she said, oh yeah. And proceeded to show us the three tell tale lines! I kept having strong girl feelings here and there, but had really convinced myself there was no way. I got really teary eyed. I'm just so excited for Claire to have a sister AND to use our girl name!!! So there you have it. J is going to be surrounded by ladies and there will be a lot of pink (and fights over the bathroom, clothes, and all that fun stuff!) in our future!

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