Friday, October 24, 2014

11 Weeks


How far along? 11 weeks
Total weight gain? My next appointment is the 30th, so I'll find out then...
Maternity clothes? Not necessary...yet! Belly is already looking like I'm eating very well, so it may not be too long ;)
Movement? No
Cravings? I think about warm, out of the oven chocolate chunk brownies with vanilla ice cream everyday, but haven't made any yet. But I mean, who doesn't crave that!? ;)

Anything make you queasy or sick?A better question would be, what doesn't? I am having some good days mixed in and have been able to tell a difference in the severity of the nausea, so I'm very grateful for that!
Sleep? No complaints
Best moment this week: J and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary at the 10 week mark! We had a great weekend and celebrated with dinner at Lockeland Table where I was so excited to feel well enough to eat and enjoy it!!
Gender prediction? I can't decide! I got back and forth daily.

Labor signs? No
Symptoms? Same ole. Nausea, little energy at times...
Belly button in or out? In! Thinking it will be for a while!
What I miss: Eating dinner after 5/5:30...ha!
What I am looking forward to: My appointment Thursday! Looking forward to checking in on this bebe and making sure everything still looks good.
Weekly wisdom: Sleep as much as possible :)

Milestones: Baby is a fetus! Go baby go! (or grow baby grow, I should say)

Claire decided to make an appearance this week :)

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