Friday, December 19, 2014

19 Weeks


How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain: Had to cancel my appointment for this week because Claire was sick (first ear infection :( ), so there's no telling!
Maternity clothes? About half the time! But that's easy when the other half I'm wearing leggings and yoga pants ;)
Movement? yes!I was even able to feel something from the outside once this week!
Cravings?  Candy, fruit snacks, french, I don't wonder why I'm gaining weight like I am
Anything make you queasy or sick? No, just random
Sleep? good! Just need to try to get more of it!
Best moment this week: Our ultrasound of course!!! I am so excited we are having another girl, but more than anything it was so great to see her and know that she's right on track and healthy!
Gender: GIRL!
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? morning nausea has been hanging around (boo); super sleepy in the late afternoons, but that's probably due to the fact I've been staying up too late working on Christmas stuff! :); having crazy brain (I just skipped 4 questions above without even realizing it)
Belly button in or out? In, but the top is starting to poke out. Especially after a good meal.
What I miss: No more laying on my back and the days of laying on my stomach are soon coming to an end
What I am looking forward to: Christmas!!!!
Weekly wisdom: Pregnancy over the holidays makes it even harder to say no to all of the yummy treats!!!
Milestones: Finding out we are expecting a sweet girl <3>

Where's the baby??

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