Friday, December 12, 2014

18 Weeks


How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain: I don't feel bigger, but I'm sure I am ;)
Maternity clothes? I have been wearing my maternity 3 or 4 times this week. Ha! So comfortable!
Movement? yes! I have been questioning if what I was feeling was movement or not, but it definitely is. Such a neat feeling :) He/she loves to move while I'm putting Claire to bed. That's when I notice it most.
Cravings?  Still loving fruit snacks, these yummy tangerine/carrot popsicles I got for Claire then ate almost all of them, fruit, pretzels
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope! Hardly any nausea that I can recall. Woohoo!
Sleep? sometimes have a hard time falling asleep, but sleep pretty well once I get there.
Best moment this week: feeling baby move and knowing it's baby movement!
Gender: We find out NEXT WEEK!! I can hardly contain my excitement. I've been having several days where I feel pretty strongly it's a girl...but then I get unsure again. We will know so soon!
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? just the occasional nausea, hunger, really exhausted at times. The norm!
Belly button in or out? In, but I don't think it will be long
What I miss: I really don't miss a whole lot. 
What I am looking forward to: Our anatomy scan of course! I am anxious to find out the gender, but more than anything I am so ready to take a peek at this baby and make sure he/she is healthy and growing right on track!
Milestones: MOVEMENT!

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