Friday, November 14, 2014

14 Weeks


How far along? 14 Weeks
Total weight gain? You guys. I have gained 5lbs in the last 2 weeks! My goal is to not gain as much as I did with Claire, buuuut this isn't giving me much confidence. Dang Halloween candy.
Maternity clothes? Nope. Despite the weight gain, my jeans still fit no problem. Although I'm already thinking ahead to Thanksgiving and I will definitely be wearing leggings and all things stretchy (which I firmly believe in, pregnant or not!)
Movement? Not yet, but I'm betting it will be very soon!
Cravings? candy and fruit and white chocolate fudge covered Oreos (seriously couldn't nap one day this week bc I kept laying there thinking about them and had to get up to eat one! Ha!)
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nothing in particular, just depends on the day
Sleep? Still no complaints
Best moment this week: pretty normal week...good appointment (minus the weight gain I totally wasn't expecting!), got to hear baby's heartbeat- the doctor didn't count, but said she would guess in 130s...sooo boy maybe?! 
Gender prediction? ??? I took a gender quiz and it told me girl, went back and changed 2 answers just to see and it said, "It's a Surprise!" I didn't need a test to tell me that! Chinese calendar says girl and it was right with mind says boy, but my "feeling" is girl. We find out in a few weeks!!!
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? Nausea- slowly, but surely getting better; occasional headaches; sometimes exhausted; breakouts; eating for "2" ;)
Belly button in or out? In
What I miss: Here is something I don't miss yet, but will soon enough so I've been enjoying it while I can! I'm a major stomach sleeper and those days are numbered, so I'm loving my tummy sleep while I don't have a bowling ball belly :)
What I am looking forward to: our next ultrasound and checking in on this baby to see how he/she is doing!

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