Friday, October 31, 2014

12 Weeks


How far along? 12 weeks
Total weight gain? 1.5lbs. I kind of wish I had kept up with this with Claire to compare. I gained a LOT with her...
Maternity clothes? Not yet! But the fact that I pretty much live in leggings and yoga pants helps :)
Movement? No
Cravings? This week I really wanted cereal. I haven't had cereal in a long, long time! Got some Honey Nut Cheerios and almond. Yum! And apples.

Anything make you queasy or sick? Being awake. Ha!
Sleep? No complaints. Sleeping well with one bathroom wake up each night
Best moment this week: Had a doctor appointment and she was able to find the heartbeat right away!
Gender prediction? Most days I feel like it's a girl, but prior to getting pregnant I had convinced myself we'd have a boy, so I'm having a hard time shaking that!
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? Nausea, little energy, occasional headaches
Belly button in or out? In
What I miss: It's nice having the option to nap during the day, but I miss that time I used to have to do stuff around the house, read, or catch up on my shows. Hoping the 2nd trimester treats me a little better
What I am looking forward to: finding out the gender! I'm feeling super impatient about this!!
Weekly wisdom: Not really wisdom,  but all the nausea relief things I've tried really only help WHILE I'm doing it. Drinking lemon water, ginger ale, etc. Comes right back when I'm done :(

Milestones:12 weeks helps me breathe a sigh of relief! Never totally in the clear, but definitely feel better.

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