Friday, October 3, 2014

8 Weeks


How far along? 8 weeks
Total weight gain? 0
Maternity clothes/Movement? No
Cravings? Not hungry most of the time (or am hungry, but too nauseated to eat)...but random cravings hit and I have to eat it then! From a tomato to movie popcorn to sour cream and onion chips. Two things I can eat at almost anytime are watermelon and graham crackers. So thank goodness for those! I also got by these first few weeks on a lot of frozen treats.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Most food and the thought of turtlenecks. Ha! I'm so nauseous most of the time, the thought of anything touching my neck just makes me feel super queasy!

Sleep? Pretty good. Wake up once a night to use the bathroom. Forgot how early that starts!
Best moment this week: Since this is my first weekly update, I'm kind of grouping the last couple of weeks all into one. The first couple of weeks after I took the positive test were pretty stressful. Had an ultrasound very early (about 4 and a half weeks) which really gave us no answers. Got to go back on September 11th when I was about 6 and a half weeks and we immediately found the heartbeat :) (132 that day!)
Gender prediction?  I really don't know!! I try to picture both, but it's hard to imagine either! J "assumes" a girl. Before I got pregnant, I just assumed we'd have a boy, but now I'm not so sure...
Labor signs? No

Symptoms? Symptoms have been pretty much spot on to when I was pregnant with Claire. Nausea all day, most days. Tired/little energy (pretty rough when chasing around a 2 year old all day!). Emotional- I cry a little bit pretty much once a day, over the silliest things! I don't remember this with Claire, but I had a few weeks where I was pretty dizzy.
Belly button in or out? way in and normal :)
What I miss: I miss not being nauseous!! And eating more than saltines for a meal ;) But I know it's just part of it for me and it's so completely worth it.
What I am looking forward to: Looking forward to telling more friends and family! So fun.
Weekly wisdom: If pregnant, load up on saltines and sprite. Geez.
Milestones: hearing sweet baby's heartbeat at week 6 :)

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