Friday, October 17, 2014

9 and 10 Weeks

I have told myself I'm going to keep up with my weekly posts and not slack because this is baby #2, but I've already gotten my weeks confused! So weeks 9 and 10 are combined. Hey, at least I remembered to take the weekly photo for each week! :)



How far along? 9-10 weeks
Total weight gain? Unknown. Haven't stepped on a scale since my doctor appointment on the 2nd.
Maternity clothes? No. Except for one shirt I bought prepregnancy in a smaller size. Not needed, just comfy :)
Movement? No
Cravings? Sprite Zero, apples, chocolate chip cookies. Watermelon and graham crackers still sound good most of the time. Had a few more hit me out of nowhere and had to have them cravings. One was Taco Bell, but halfway through I felt super sick- ick.

Anything make you queasy or sick? Just being awake. Haha
Sleep? Pretty good. Wake up once a night to use the bathroom. Sometimes takes a little while to get back to sleep.
Best moment this week: At 9 weeks, I was able to find the heartbeat on the doppler at home! I think I just got really lucky because I haven't found it again, but it sounded good and strong!
Gender prediction?  Can't wait to find out!
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? Nausea mostly. Tired/little energy, although afternoon naps with Claire have helped!
Belly button in or out? In
What I miss:
What I am looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat again!

Weekly wisdom: Stock up on anything that might possibly be a craving! I need to do a better job of this.
Milestones:Hearing heartbeat on the doppler for the first time

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