Friday, September 26, 2014

It's a....BABY!

That's right! Baby #2 is on his or her way in May 2015! We are pretty excited and, even though she doesn't really know what's going on, think Claire will be excited to be a big sister!! I was a little shocked (yes, this was planned, it just happened much faster than I anticipated!), but I'm looking forward to experiencing two little ones- okay, a little nervous, too!- and for them to have each other. We found out the day after Claire's 2nd birthday party. It was Monday, September 9th, and Claire and I had gone to Annie's to have lunch with her, Sarah, and Cooper. They knew I was "late" and really wanted me to take a pregnancy test. I immediately got really nervous, because I'm not super regular, but it was also very possible. After a little discussion, I knew I wanted to take one too because I had to know! I had been planning to wait a few more days, but decided it would be more fun to take it with them! Sarah and I headed to Walgreens and I grabbed the cheapest two pack they had. Got back to Annie's and dipped the stick. Immediately lines were popping up and I ran to get the box to see what a positive result looked like (note to self: it's right there on the stick. Haha). I was shaking!! I went back to the bathroom and there was an unmistakeable PLUS + sign. PREGNANT! I thought, no.way. So I went to the bathroom again and dipped the second stick. Once again, immediate dark lines appeared. With Claire, the second line was SO faint I had to ask J to make sure I wasn't seeing things! This time it was very, very clear. I didn't know what to think or feel! My first reaction was disbelief and shock. Not entirely surprised, just shocked the test was actually positive!! On the way home, I immediately called my doctor's office to let them know. I was ready to get in and make this official! After we got home and I put Claire down for her nap, I pulled out two more old pregnancy tests in the bathroom (I'm pretty sure they were expired) and both came back positive. Apparently it takes a lot of convincing for me to believe I'm pregnant. I took 4 or 5 with Claire, too. Ha! That afternoon we had Claire's 2 year photos, so when we went to pick J up from work, she handed him the positive test. The first thing out of his month was, I told you there was nothing to worry about! Haha, I had convinced myself it would take months, but not so much! Later that same week I went in for an ultrasound, but it turned out I was too early and not much, or not enough to confirm, could be detected on the ultrasound. It was a little scary and a lot stressful, but a week and a half later when I was around 6 1/2 weeks we went back in and right away we found the tiny little blob and it's heartbeat beating away. Looking and sounding great! :) I am planning to do my best keeping up with this pregnancy like I did Claire's. It's neat to look back and see what was going on with me then and I'm really glad I did it! So here's to baby #2!!

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