Friday, May 1, 2015

Third Trimester (aka when the belly gets HUGE)

As soon as Kate was delivered, I missed that big belly (yall, it was BIG!!) and feeling her move around. Although there is nothing like holding your brand new, soft as butter, fresh squishy baby, the ability to feel your baby roll around and kick and punch as it grows inside you is an absolutely incredible experience that only the two of you share. I immediately missed being pregnant. Then thought about it and thought I should rephrase that....I do not miss the heartburn, pelvic pain, nausea and all the other "joys" that come along with pregnancy, ha! I'm just one of those crazy people who (overall) really enjoy pregnancy. I miss that huge belly and the special moments only she and I could have. I think it's partly due to the pregnancy ending so unexpectedly. At the same time, I wouldn't change it. It's pretty special that we didn't have to wait another day to meet her. Kate is the sweetest, most delicious baby! I'll take a couple more just like her ;)

Friday, April 24, 2015

37 Weeks


I never got around to posting my 37 week post! And never fully finished filling out the questions. But I do have the picture, so there's that :)

How far along? 37 weeks (April 18-23)
Weight Gain: weigh in at my doctor appointment on the 24th...
Maternity clothes? Still able to mix!
Movement?  Still moving all the time!
Anything make you queasy or sick? 

Best moment this week:

Gender: Girl
Labor signs? Nothing more than Braxton Hicks.
What I miss:
What I am looking forward to: 
Milestones: Full term!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

36 Weeks


How far along? 36 weeks 
Weight Gain: I only have to weigh when I see the doctor (thank goodness!), but I have been averaging 2-2.5lbs a week, soo....
Maternity clothes? No changes here. I have about 4 pants I rotate (three maternity, one non) and any tops that cover my belly ;), most of which are actually non-maternity. Glad tunics are so popular and I have several!
Movement?  It seemed like she was moving constantly this week! I love it though! Except when it feels like she's pushing down into my hip bones...that's a little uncomfortable.
Cravings? Nothing major this week. I did get the idea of a milkshake in my head and fought it for about 18 hours before giving in ;)
Anything make you queasy or sick? Just peppermint gum. Ugh. So weird.

Sleep? Still sleeping really well! I do wake up to move, because it definitely requires effort and is usually a little painful, but I have luckily been able to get back to sleep easily.
Best moment this week: How about best/craziest moment?!? First, we scheduled a c-section date! If I go into labor before then, we will play it by ear, but if not we know she will be here May 5th! That's a nice thing about scheduled c-sections. Knowing when, at the latest, we will get to meet our baby :)
Second, and this is the crazy one. I'm still in shock. Monday at my ultrasound they checked baby's growth...come to find out in 3 weeks she has skyrocketed from the 41st percentile up to >97th percentile!!! WHAT!? She weighed in at an estimated 7.5lbs. SEVEN AND A HALF POUNDS!!! With over 3 weeks to go. I honestly am wondering if measurements were off because I feel like I would have been feeling some major growing pains. So who really knows. They can be off my a pound or so (GIVE or yeah, she could be bigger?! Oh lawd). We will find out soon enough!

Gender: Girl
Labor signs? None
Symptoms? Same as last week. Although I did notice this week that my belly is getting numb. I need to look back and see if this happened with Claire. It's strange! The upper right part of my back has also randomly started bothering me :( Really not sure if it's pregnancy related or possibly the way I'm sleeping.
What I miss: Just being able to walk/stand up/get dressed/shave my legs/move without hurting! But I would do it all again!
What I am looking forward to: My next doctor's appointment to see what she says about this chunky monkey I'm growing and we have FINALLY started working on the girl's room and the guest room/play room. The house is a disaster which stresses me out a little bit, but at the same time I'm excited for any progress!
Milestones: Kate has a drawer with clean, folded clothes in it!! Woohoo! PROGRESS! ;)

Sunday, April 12, 2015

35 Weeks


How far along? 35 weeks 
Weight Gain: Are you ready??? Yep, I will totally gain as much as I did with Claire! Probably more. Now, let's hope I can lose 38 pounds nine days post-partum like I did with her ;)
Maternity clothes? I am pretty much going between maternity leggings and maternity jeans with non-maternity tops. All of my loose Piko style tops and tunics are on heavy rotation! But they are perfect for a bump!
Movement?  Busy little bee. Loves sticking her booty right out front.
Cravings? Can't think of anything other than lime stuff- popsicles, (virgin) margaritas...and chocolate.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Luckily no!

Sleep? No complaints this week! I still stay up too late/get to where I'm just not sleepy. But honestly, at this point I don't want to get used to getting lots of sleep so that maybe when she gets here, I'll be somewhat used to not sleeping a whole lot!
Best moment this week: We had so much fun last Sunday celebrating Easter! Claire is a big fan of Easter egg hunts :) Kate also got to "attend" her first concert. Thursday night J and I went to see The Bangles play with my stepdad. I'm not even sure the last show I went to!!

Gender: Girl
Labor signs? None (unless you count the BH contractions. Still having a lot and sometimes have very minor pain, but mostly just uncomfortable)
Symptoms? Really no major complaints and everything is just typical pregnancy stuff! Indigestion, hunger, pains/uncomfortable, mild swelling (primarily left ankle, just like with Claire)...let the games begin! ;)
What I miss: Not wincing almost everytime I stand up or get dressed!
What I am looking forward to: My doctor's office should be calling me next week to schedule a c-section date to get it on the calendar! SO crazy, but also so exciting :)
Milestones: Ole linea nigra is starting to show up! Also, started having some swelling this week.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

34 Weeks


How far along? 34 weeks 
Weight Gain: The Easter candy has started to come out...I have decided being pregnant between October to April is dangerous (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's, Easter...oink). I wouldn't be surprised if I pack on another 5lb between my appointments, which are 2 weeks apart : /
Maternity clothes? Wearing maternity bottoms MUCH more. Waistbands are getting pretty uncomfortable. Belly hangs out of a lot of regular shirts (yikes), so my few maternity shirts are on heavy rotation! Glad the weather is warming up because warmer weather means dresses- probably the most comfortable thing to wear when pregnant.
Movement?  Dance parties almost daily! 
Cravings? Nothing out of the ordinary this week
Anything make you queasy or sick? No, but I did have some nausea this week. Just one morning, nothing terrible.

Sleep? Oh sigh. It's getting rough. I seem to either be super tired or super awake and lately at night, I've been super awake. Which means a late bedtime. Plus I have been waking up more frequently due to hip pain and it being difficult to roll from one side to the other! Wednesday night I slept through the night, not waking up once in pain, so maybe I'll get some more nights like that!
Best moment this week: One of my best friends, Lauren, and her sweet mom threw a baby shower for me and Kate! It was so pretty and sweet and perfect. It was fun to hang out with family and friends (and eat delicious food!). And Claire enjoyed opening all the gifts (well, for a little while anyway...more wipes?! Buttpaste?? Haha). We got some great things for Kate, so at least I know we will have her diapered, clothed, and fed for the first month or so of her life ;)
Also, both BPP and NST appointments this week went great! Woohoo!

Gender: Girl
Labor signs? Not really a labor sign, just my body practicing, but LOTS of Braxton Hicks this week. And they are getting more uncomfortable.
Symptoms? BH contractions, pains- growing pains/hip pains/pubic bone pains/muscle pains (like feeling like I ran a mile- which would major for me, haha!)/right rib, back, belly pain (she loooves my right side). I've probably said it before, but baby two has definitely been harder on my body!
What I miss: Not feeling like a 90 year old lady! But it's all worth it for this wiggle worm :)
What I am looking forward to: Easter fun this weekend! Easter egg hunts, maybe visiting the Bunny, family time, egg dying, and maybe, just maybe, eating some Easter candy ;)
Milestones: It's April. We COULD have a baby this month, but can officially say we WILL have a baby next month!!! Whoa.
Random thoughts this week: I keep meaning to add this, but by the time I fill out my survey for the week, I always forget my random thoughts! And when I started writing this, I knew what I wanted to say...but I already forgot. Pregnancy brain, serious stuff.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Showering Kate

I mentioned in my weekly post that my friend Lauren and her mom threw us a baby shower (or "sprinkle" since it's for a second baby?). Everything looked so great. The decorations and flowers were so pretty, and the food was delicious! I ate way too much (as usual) :)
It was such a sweet celebration for Kate. So grateful and blessed to have people in our lives who are so excited for this baby girl and our little growing family.


Saturday, March 28, 2015

33 Weeks


How far along? 33 weeks
Weight Gain: Ah geez. Gained 5lbs in two weeks. Well on my way to gaining what I did with Claire!
Maternity clothes? About half and half still. Some non-maternity pieces are getting awfully tight in the waistband though...  
Movement?  Lots!  
Cravings? Nothing major this week I don't think. Still loving my one can of Diet Pepsi a day. Lemonade almost always sounds good. Pretzels and chocolate (surprise!) also top the list.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope, but very leery of grilled or fajita chicken. Nuggets, shredded, baked, don't seem to bother me.

Sleep? Sleep is pretty good! It does hurt my pubic bone when I roll from one side to the other, so that stinks, and if I stay on one side too long my hips start to hurt, but it's not terrible Best moment this week: I had my first (regularly scheduled) BPP ultrasound Monday and they let us see her in 3D! It was incredible! I gasped when they showed me her face. She looks EXACTLY like baby Claire. I couldn't believe it! I may have cried a little. I have always thought 3D images look so much alike, but when I saw that face, it was just AMAZING how much they look alike. And yes, she has hair ;) We didn't get a weight estimate, but should next week. Also had a perfect NST Thursday, so her little heart is acting just as it should. Yay!

Gender: Sweet sister look alike girly :)
Labor signs? Just the BH contractions. Sometimes they cause some discomfort, but not always.
Symptoms? Same ole stuff as last week...

Belly button in or out? I think I can stop answering this one. It's out and not going back in until it's time to meet this baby!
What I miss: Rolling from side to side and getting pants on and off without pain
What I am looking forward to: Our baby "sprinkle" this weekend!! One of my closest friends and her sweet mom are hosting and I can't wait to celebrate baby Kate :)

Mommy, big sister, and the bump!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

32 Weeks


How far along? 32 weeks
Maternity clothes? I did wear my maternity jeans a lot this week...but I kind of just want to live in lose, stretchy or pajama pants! I change out of the jeans as soon as we get home!
Movement?  Still moving tons! Gets the hiccups several times a day.
Cravings? Diet Pepsi! I usually only drink Diet Coke, but lately I have just had to have Diet Pepsi!!! (Caffiene free, of course) And cheese. Can't get enough of either! But limiting myself on both.
Anything make you queasy or sick? I haven't been chewing much gum these days. When I do it's usually fruity because my usual mint flavors have been making me feel a little sick when I chew them. Which is weird since mint usually helps with that!
Sleep? Sleep has been great. Still working on an earlier bedtime though!
Best moment this week: After weeks of sinus yuck, Claire and I finally got to meet baby Brody!! She helped me feed him a bottle, but the best part was when we let her hold him. It made her year I think! She was so good and sweet with him. She kept pointing out all of his features, giving him kisses on his forehead, and had both arms around him holding him tight. At one point she leaned over and whispered, "it's ok baby, I got you". SO SWEET! It was so good to see her do so well with another baby and I know she is going to be such a great big sister :)
Gender: Girl
Labor signs? Just the BH contractions
Symptoms? Lack of energy (really hits me around 5/5:30 in the evenings); indigestion (an unexpected ultrasound this week revealed she does have hair!); starting to really feel my belly stretch, especially on my right side. She likes to hang out on my right side with her butt pushing either out or up into my ribs; pubic bone pain (u/s also showed she's head down and has her head pretty far down, so I'm thinking this is probably not helping the pain!), but it's really not bad overall.
Belly button in or out? Popped. Claire loves to touch it. So weird.
What I miss: Energy! I feel so much less productive most days. 
What I am looking forward to: Checking in on her Monday at our ultrasound :)
Milestones: Well, not a milestone to be celebrated, but I had my first trip to Labor and Delivery Thursday.I had my first routine non-stress test (NST) Thursday morning and the results were "non-reactive" meaning her heart rate was not responding to her movements as it should. Her heart rate itself was great (should be between 110-160 and was in the mid-150s), but when she moves, it should jump up about 10 beats and it wasn't. They sent us to L&D for more monitoring (another NST), then an ultrasound to make sure everything looked okay, such as my placenta, fluid levels, etc. It was nerve wracking and scary, but she scored 8/8 on the BPP (ultrasound) and as long as she's moving around regularly, we can assume all is well in there- which she is! :) My doctor explained that the nerves that control her heart rate may not be mature enough yet to elevate her heart rate when she moves, but I have another NST next Thursday and I'm hoping for normal results!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

31 Weeks


How far along? 31 weeks
Maternity clothes? Still getting away with a lot of non-maternity. Although my yoga pants are pretty much out of the picture. Just getting too tight on my stomach and I don't want to stretch them out!
Weight gain: Finally had my weigh in after 6 weeks! And it wasn't bad!! I gained 8lbs since my last appointment 6 weeks ago. I'll take it! (Although, I'm pretty sure I'm on track to gain about the same as I did with Claire. Oh well!)
Movement?  Lots and lots! I told Dr. Garrison this week I think she's awake more than asleep in there. She still seems to prefer lounging on the right side. She also gets the hiccups all the time!
Cravings? Can't think of anything that really sticks out this week (other than the usual...SWEETS!)
Anything make you queasy or sick? Still cautious with chicken, but had some the other day with no issues
Sleep? Sleep is pretty good. Still trying to make myself get to bed earlier! Had one night this week where I woke up a couple of times from hip pain (so it begins...definitely remember this with Claire), so I started sleeping with a pillow between my knees (as well as the one under my belly) and it hasn't happened since. Hopefully I can delay it a bit longer with all the pillows!
Best moment this week: A good check-up and Claire has been really into playing "baby doctor". We have a doppler at home and she's gotten it out a couple of times this week. She instructs me to lay down on the couch and hands me the gel and the doppler. Her face lights up when we hear the heartbeat :) Then it's "Claire James" turn and she lays on the couch and pulls up her shirt. It's really cute. The doppler makes loud noises when you move it around, so she'll say "Hear that? Lion! Roooar!"
Gender: Still a girl as far as we know! ;)
Labor signs? Had what I think was mild cramping, but wasn't associated with my Braxton Hicks, so it could be a variety of things. My doctor wasn't concerned, so I'm not either!
Symptoms? Not as much energy these days; had a few bouts of indigestion this week- which reminds me, I wonder if she will have a head full of hair or not?! I think after Claire, it would be so strange to have a bald baby!!; mild cramping; pubic bone pain; running out of breath easily- reading to Claire, walking up the stairs, even just standing still holding Claire makes me feel like I'm out of breath, haha (that is like an extra 60lbs I'm carrying when I hold her!); I noticed in this week's picture my hair is getting crazy long! Maybe the hormones are making it grow super fast?
Belly button in or out? Out to stay (or for the next 8ish weeks!)
What I miss: Not much honestly. Other than maybe not loving the pubic bone pain or running out of breath walking from one room to the other ;)
What I am looking forward to: I am so curious to know what she is going to look like!! But I am not in a rush! My weekly ultrasounds start super soon (32 weeks!!), so I'm hoping we might get some "previews"
Milestones: Does hitting the 30lb weight gain mark count? Eek. I also got my Rhogam shot this week (because I am RH-Negative) so I can check that off the list! And Claire hated seeing mommy get a shot :( She recovered quickly once the nurse was done and saw I got a band-aid and was ok :) 

A few with the big-sister-to-be (well, sort of. She was busy eating an apple, but had to be sure she was standing right next to me) :)

Sunday, March 8, 2015

30 Weeks


 How far along? 30 weeks (I don't know if anyone reads these, but anyone notice last week I titled the post 28 weeks AND answered 28 here?? Losing it!)
Weight gain? I had to cancel my appointment Thursday due to the snow we got, so another week of bliss not knowing ;)
Maternity clothes? Some days yes, some days no
Movement? Very active little girl!

Cravings?  I got my lime margarita (tequila free, of course), but would love another!!! Still love cherries, candy, hamburgers....the usual :)
Anything make you queasy or sick? Chicken a couple times over the last month. The idea of eating it doesn't bother me, and sometimes I eat it and am fine, but I've had a couple times while eating it that I thought I was going to be really sick :(
Sleep? Go to sleep easily and sleep great until I wake up. Once I'm up, regardless of time, I'm up (boo)
Best moment this week: More consignment sales!! I forgot how fun it is to shop for a baby. And two girls makes it even more fun! So many sweet things.
I also had a fun belated birthday dinner with some of my close girlfriends- it was fun to get out and catch up with them! And get that "margarita"
Gender: Girl
Labor signs? Nothing other than occasional Braxton Hicks
Symptoms? Same ole- pubic bone pain (there is a fancy name for this, I just can't remember what it is) is worse some days than others. Over the past couple of weeks, I have started needing to stuff a small pillow or roll up a blanket to support this belly when I lay on my side. This isn't really a "symptom", but pregnancy related, and I don't remember this happening with Claire- sometimes when she's moving a lot (or bigger movements) I'll hear clicking sounds. It's happened several times over the last few months, so weird! I googled it and said it's normal and could be several things- one being her ligaments popping! It's just weird to think I could actually be hearing her
Belly button in or out? Completely out
What I am looking forward to: Hoping to get into the doctor this week and will schedule future appointments. Looking forward to our next ultrasound which should be later this month and seeing how she's grown! (Not so much looking forward to the twice weekly visits that are about to start....but gotta do what you gotta do!)
Milestones: Single digit week countdown until she's here- 9 WEEKS!

Claire blur helping me get the lighting right :)

Saturday, February 28, 2015

29 Weeks

How far along? 29 weeks
Weight gain? Find out soon...
Maternity clothes? Pretty much live in leggings and yoga pants (some maternity, some not) and wearing more maternity tops.
Movement?  All the time! I was thinking she moves more than Claire did, but remembered my placenta padded a lot of Claire's kicks and punches. Or maybe she does move more and will be just as wild as Claire! ;)

Cravings?  A lime margarita!! And chocolate.
Anything make you queasy or sick? No
Sleep? Don't go to bed as early as I should, but I sleep great! Unless I wake up early in the morning around 4 or later...sometimes I can't get back to sleep. Yuck.
Best moment this week: Ha, pretty much all I can remember about this week is all the consignment shopping I did!! Got some great stuff for both girls :) It's just so fun! We also had a new little friend join us on Thursday morning- our friend Nicole had her baby boy, Brody :) I keep saying I'm glad I'm already pregnant because these babies are giving me baby fever!
Gender: Girl <3 comment-3--="">
Labor signs? Nothing other than occasional Braxton Hicks
Symptoms? Same stuff for the most part. Starting to get full faster at meals as my belly grows and my stomach runs out of room!
Belly button in or out? Out
What I am looking forward to: Seeing what this baby is going to look like!! Will she look like her sister? More like me or more like J? Can't believe we will know in just a little over 2 months!
Milestones: Third trimester!! (WHAT!?)

Claire helping me get the light right ;)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Wrapping Up the 2nd Trimester!

Second trimester, I love you. After getting over the daily nausea around week 18, I felt so great this trimester!! And it's such a fun one because it's when you really start feeling the baby move and can find out the gender! I have to say, this pregnancy is FLYING by! Can't believe she will be here in 11 weeks (or less!!).

Friday, February 20, 2015

28 Weeks


How far along? 27 weeks
Weight gain? No idea. Not sure I want to know!  Ha
Maternity clothes? Still mixing it up and hopefully not stretching out my regular clothes along the way...
Movement?  This baby moves SO much! I think she's awake more than she's asleep. Lots of bigger rolls and movements this week.

Cravings? Other than candy, nothing in particular sticks out. We were iced in this week and didn't leave the house for a few days, so we made do with what we had here. Which was a lot of sweets left over from my birthday...oops! Claire and I baked some pumpkin chocolate chip muffins and they didn't last very long :)
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope
Sleep? Sleeping well!
Best moment this week: Getting to see baby girl at our ultrasound Thursday! Claire was so excited to go to the "baby doctor" and hear the "heart beep" :) Our appointment wasn't until late afternoon and J took the day off, so we went to lunch (and FINALLY got out of the house!) and the whole way there Claire was asking "baby doctor?". She was ready to go after her nap when I woke her up and told her it was time to go to the doctor! :) Ultrasound was to check growth and just a routine ultrasound I have every 4 weeks after week 20. They check growth, breathing, organs, and maybe a couple other things. Her head was down and her feet were up in my right ribs- the right side is where I feel a lot of kicks. Claire liked hanging out on the right side, too. I guess that's the comfy spot in my uterus ;) She is measuring in the 42nd percentile and weighs about 2lbs 8oz. She was opening and closing her mouth and took a big yawn! Everything looked great.
I also hit 27 weeks on my birthday (aka 12 weeks max until she's here!) and we did some more birthday celebrating! Mom hung out with me and Claire during the day and we made cookies, had lunch at ChickFilA, and went to see Mr. Steve the Music Man at a candy shop in Green Hills- so really it was more of a fun day for Claire ;), but that's just part of being a mom! It's fun for me to see her having fun! Later, J and I went to a new burger place and saw a movie (and he brought home some of my favorite cupcakes from Cupcake Collection!). Sunday my mom, sisters, their boyfriends/husbands, and Cooper came over for a birthday dinner and hanging out to wrap up the birthday festivities. We had a lot of fun and I can't believe I'm 32. Whoa.
Gender: Baby girl
Labor signs? None
Symptoms? Still pretty tired in the evenings; some indigestion; pubic bone pain (I'm pretty sure that's not going anywhere for a while); rapidly growing belly ;)
Belly button in or out? Out.
What I miss: Not much! I do kind of miss not being scared every time Claire jumps on me, because she of course wants to land right on my belly!
What I am looking forward to: I keep saying this (and we keep making zero progress), but I really am looking forward to working on our projects around the house! I guess I'm more looking forward to the end result, but there's a lot of work that needs to be done between now and then!
Milestones: This past week was the last in the 2nd trimester!! Wow.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

More "snow"?!

Somehow we got another snow! Well, more like ice. The prediction was we would get several inches of snow, but it ended up being a lot of (dangerous) ice. And not much fun to play in- I think Claire is now scared of snow because we went out and the ice was slippery :( However, her idea of "playing" in the snow is eating it (and icicles) and throwing it ;) We did end up getting actual snow, but still had the layer of ice beneath it. It was still so pretty though!


Friday, February 13, 2015

27 Weeks


How far along? 27 weeks
Maternity clothes? I have decided dressing a bump is much easier in the Summer than the Winter! Long tanks and open cardigans are great, but flowy Summer tops and maxis were so easy! I hardly needed any maternity clothes with Claire. This time, I need more maternity tops to cover my belly and layer because coats zipped up hit at my belly button, haha. Luckily warm weather is not far away! That being said, I am still wearing mostly maternity and non-maternity leggings and non-maternity yoga pants. The best fitting non-maternity tops are my GapFit shirts (although I have a maternity one as well and I like wearing it in hopes I don't stretch the others out!).
Movement?  Still moving a ton during her really active times. She's also been hanging on my right side a lot this week. Little body parts have been poking up on that side and the top of my belly all week!

Cravings? Just give me all the candy. This is not good for my blood sugars though! And I'll probably have a new cavity by the time I have this baby : /
Anything make you queasy or sick? No, but I did have a few random waves of nausea this week...
Sleep? Sleep is still great! Unless I wake up during the night, I sometimes have a really hard time getting back to sleep.
Best moment this week: There were a few! 
On the day I hit 26 weeks (last Friday), she got the hiccups for the first time! I wasn't sure if that's what they were at first- I just remember Claire's being so strong, but that was probably closer toward the end of my pregnancy with her- but they were definitely little hiccups!
One night before bed while I was reading to Claire, she had her head on my belly and Kate kept pushing on it and Claire kept trying to find a new spot. Just a preview of things to come I'm sure, but it was sweet knowing Claire could feel her moving- but not knowing what was really going on!
We also celebrated our little friend Finley's 3rd birthday and had an early birthday lunch with some of my family at Miller's Grocery- so Kate got her first taste of that delicious food!! :)
Gender: Girl :)
Labor signs? nope, just the random Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms? The random nausea; pubic bone pain (ugh, apparently this is common and luckily it's not really bad and only hurts when I stand up from sitting on the floor and occasionally when walking); not AS hungry this week! I just get so hungry in the afternoon; I have been pretty wiped out around 5pm- probably partly pregnancy, partly staying up too late
Belly button in or out? flat, but starting to pop out at the top (or sometimes on the side...I guess it depends on her position?). When I lay down, it's completely flat.
What I miss: really not much at all. Although Claire had a rough day this week and I kept thinking how nice a glass of wine would be! ;)
What I am looking forward to: We have another ultrasound this week!
Milestones: Hiccups :)

Sometimes Claire thinks I have two baby bumps.... ;)

Friday, February 6, 2015

26 Weeks


How far along? 26 weeks
Maternity clothes? Mostly leggings- sometimes maternity, sometimes not- and mostly regular tops. My sleep shirts are starting to get short, so I will probably start stealing some of J's!
Movement?  Lots! Some days I won't feel much, but late at night I can always count on some major moving. Some days I feel her here and there all day long.
Cravings? Nothing really sticks out this week except for the usual, candy.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope
Sleep? I've been staying up too late, but once I go to bed I sleep great!  
Best moment this week: This week I was able to feel a foot or hand or elbow or something sticking out a little and was able to push it down my belly. So weird, but so neat!
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs? nope!
Symptoms? I get pretty tired in the evenings and most nights feel like I could go to bed by 7! (But I never do). Hungry! Not constant, but about every 2 hours I'm super hungry. Some indigestion/reflux (that hair should be growing in around now...wonder if we will have another Elvis head of hair!)
Belly button in or out? pretty much completely flat
What I miss: I really don't have many complaints! When people ask how I'm feeling, I'm always saying how "normal" I feel. If I wasn't growing by the day and feeling little kicks and rolls in there, I would hardly know I'm pregnant!  
Weekly wisdom: Go to BED! Haha  
What I am looking forward to: Hiccups! Making progress on the girls' room (sounds so weird!!) and playroom!! I ordered a wooden monogram for her to match Claire's so both can have one above their bed :) I also took some things to get monogrammed this week for both of them. I think having stuff with her name on it is going to make this seem a little more real!
Milestones: Less than 100 days to go!! 

Claire was helping me get the light right :) 
Is she not the cutest thing you have ever seen?!? 
(she likes to wear her stethoscope and listen to the baby's "heart beep" :)

Saturday, January 31, 2015

25 Weeks


How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain? So stepping on the scale wasn't so bad this time around! Only gained 4lbs in the last 3 weeks, which is nothing at the rate I've been going ;)
Maternity clothes/Movement? Here and there. I honestly find a couple outfits each week that are comfortable and wear them over and over. Ha!
Cravings? Cherries/cherry flavored things still. It's like when I was pregnant with Claire, strawberries tasted better than ever. This time, it's cherries. Yummm. Candy. A milkshake one day (it's weird because I would not have eaten ice cream, but a milkshake sounded amazing. Pregnancy is weird). Real healthy stuff : /
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope!

Sleep? Still great :)
Best moment this week: I have serious "preggo/baby/toddler/mom/whatever you want to call it" brain and can hardly remember what I did last night! We went to Chattanooga Sunday to celebrate Cooper's 2nd birthday and had a lot of fun. Claire had a blast and was asleep within 5 minutes of getting in the car :) Later we went to the circus. I'll just say I won't take her back anytime soon. She wanted to see elephants and nothing else...and the elephants are only maybe 15% of the show. Yikes. I also had an appointment this week and things are going great. Made adjustments to insulin to help my blood sugars, checked her heart rate (strong in the 150s), and measured my belly and it was right on schedule. We also scheduled my next ultrasound in 3 weeks, so I'm already excited to see her again! :)

Gender? Baby girl
Labor signs? No, no, no. Hoping for none of that until April 26th or later!

Symptoms? Memory loss. Ha! Normal pregnancy hunger (and by that I mean I am hungry about 2 hours after I eat. You know, like a newborn.) Still get weepy pretty easily, but I think it's improved!This has been going on a while, but I always forget to mention it. My sense of smell is definitely heightened. I smell EVERYTHING!
Belly button in or out? Working it's way on out. Depending on the day it's in a little bit or flat. But the top is always out. A random lady even pointed it out at the circus. Thanks?
What I miss: Sleeping in any position I please. Lying on my back makes me feel faint, lying flat on my stomach is obviously out of the question ;)
What I am looking forward to: We are getting a dresser this weekend to put in our room, move some of my stuff into to make more room for baby's clothes and necessities! Then hopefully on our way to converting the guest room to a guest room/playroom and Claire's room into a shared room :)

Milestones: I am definitely at the point where I am obviously pregnant. This week I have had more people say "Oh! What are you having?" and just being nicer in general- getting doors, taking my cart, etc.

Poor Claire. Someone took her paci away (it was her dad) ;)