Saturday, March 28, 2015

33 Weeks


How far along? 33 weeks
Weight Gain: Ah geez. Gained 5lbs in two weeks. Well on my way to gaining what I did with Claire!
Maternity clothes? About half and half still. Some non-maternity pieces are getting awfully tight in the waistband though...  
Movement?  Lots!  
Cravings? Nothing major this week I don't think. Still loving my one can of Diet Pepsi a day. Lemonade almost always sounds good. Pretzels and chocolate (surprise!) also top the list.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope, but very leery of grilled or fajita chicken. Nuggets, shredded, baked, don't seem to bother me.

Sleep? Sleep is pretty good! It does hurt my pubic bone when I roll from one side to the other, so that stinks, and if I stay on one side too long my hips start to hurt, but it's not terrible Best moment this week: I had my first (regularly scheduled) BPP ultrasound Monday and they let us see her in 3D! It was incredible! I gasped when they showed me her face. She looks EXACTLY like baby Claire. I couldn't believe it! I may have cried a little. I have always thought 3D images look so much alike, but when I saw that face, it was just AMAZING how much they look alike. And yes, she has hair ;) We didn't get a weight estimate, but should next week. Also had a perfect NST Thursday, so her little heart is acting just as it should. Yay!

Gender: Sweet sister look alike girly :)
Labor signs? Just the BH contractions. Sometimes they cause some discomfort, but not always.
Symptoms? Same ole stuff as last week...

Belly button in or out? I think I can stop answering this one. It's out and not going back in until it's time to meet this baby!
What I miss: Rolling from side to side and getting pants on and off without pain
What I am looking forward to: Our baby "sprinkle" this weekend!! One of my closest friends and her sweet mom are hosting and I can't wait to celebrate baby Kate :)

Mommy, big sister, and the bump!

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