Sunday, March 8, 2015

30 Weeks


 How far along? 30 weeks (I don't know if anyone reads these, but anyone notice last week I titled the post 28 weeks AND answered 28 here?? Losing it!)
Weight gain? I had to cancel my appointment Thursday due to the snow we got, so another week of bliss not knowing ;)
Maternity clothes? Some days yes, some days no
Movement? Very active little girl!

Cravings?  I got my lime margarita (tequila free, of course), but would love another!!! Still love cherries, candy, hamburgers....the usual :)
Anything make you queasy or sick? Chicken a couple times over the last month. The idea of eating it doesn't bother me, and sometimes I eat it and am fine, but I've had a couple times while eating it that I thought I was going to be really sick :(
Sleep? Go to sleep easily and sleep great until I wake up. Once I'm up, regardless of time, I'm up (boo)
Best moment this week: More consignment sales!! I forgot how fun it is to shop for a baby. And two girls makes it even more fun! So many sweet things.
I also had a fun belated birthday dinner with some of my close girlfriends- it was fun to get out and catch up with them! And get that "margarita"
Gender: Girl
Labor signs? Nothing other than occasional Braxton Hicks
Symptoms? Same ole- pubic bone pain (there is a fancy name for this, I just can't remember what it is) is worse some days than others. Over the past couple of weeks, I have started needing to stuff a small pillow or roll up a blanket to support this belly when I lay on my side. This isn't really a "symptom", but pregnancy related, and I don't remember this happening with Claire- sometimes when she's moving a lot (or bigger movements) I'll hear clicking sounds. It's happened several times over the last few months, so weird! I googled it and said it's normal and could be several things- one being her ligaments popping! It's just weird to think I could actually be hearing her
Belly button in or out? Completely out
What I am looking forward to: Hoping to get into the doctor this week and will schedule future appointments. Looking forward to our next ultrasound which should be later this month and seeing how she's grown! (Not so much looking forward to the twice weekly visits that are about to start....but gotta do what you gotta do!)
Milestones: Single digit week countdown until she's here- 9 WEEKS!

Claire blur helping me get the lighting right :)

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