Sunday, March 22, 2015

32 Weeks


How far along? 32 weeks
Maternity clothes? I did wear my maternity jeans a lot this week...but I kind of just want to live in lose, stretchy or pajama pants! I change out of the jeans as soon as we get home!
Movement?  Still moving tons! Gets the hiccups several times a day.
Cravings? Diet Pepsi! I usually only drink Diet Coke, but lately I have just had to have Diet Pepsi!!! (Caffiene free, of course) And cheese. Can't get enough of either! But limiting myself on both.
Anything make you queasy or sick? I haven't been chewing much gum these days. When I do it's usually fruity because my usual mint flavors have been making me feel a little sick when I chew them. Which is weird since mint usually helps with that!
Sleep? Sleep has been great. Still working on an earlier bedtime though!
Best moment this week: After weeks of sinus yuck, Claire and I finally got to meet baby Brody!! She helped me feed him a bottle, but the best part was when we let her hold him. It made her year I think! She was so good and sweet with him. She kept pointing out all of his features, giving him kisses on his forehead, and had both arms around him holding him tight. At one point she leaned over and whispered, "it's ok baby, I got you". SO SWEET! It was so good to see her do so well with another baby and I know she is going to be such a great big sister :)
Gender: Girl
Labor signs? Just the BH contractions
Symptoms? Lack of energy (really hits me around 5/5:30 in the evenings); indigestion (an unexpected ultrasound this week revealed she does have hair!); starting to really feel my belly stretch, especially on my right side. She likes to hang out on my right side with her butt pushing either out or up into my ribs; pubic bone pain (u/s also showed she's head down and has her head pretty far down, so I'm thinking this is probably not helping the pain!), but it's really not bad overall.
Belly button in or out? Popped. Claire loves to touch it. So weird.
What I miss: Energy! I feel so much less productive most days. 
What I am looking forward to: Checking in on her Monday at our ultrasound :)
Milestones: Well, not a milestone to be celebrated, but I had my first trip to Labor and Delivery Thursday.I had my first routine non-stress test (NST) Thursday morning and the results were "non-reactive" meaning her heart rate was not responding to her movements as it should. Her heart rate itself was great (should be between 110-160 and was in the mid-150s), but when she moves, it should jump up about 10 beats and it wasn't. They sent us to L&D for more monitoring (another NST), then an ultrasound to make sure everything looked okay, such as my placenta, fluid levels, etc. It was nerve wracking and scary, but she scored 8/8 on the BPP (ultrasound) and as long as she's moving around regularly, we can assume all is well in there- which she is! :) My doctor explained that the nerves that control her heart rate may not be mature enough yet to elevate her heart rate when she moves, but I have another NST next Thursday and I'm hoping for normal results!

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