Friday, February 13, 2015

27 Weeks


How far along? 27 weeks
Maternity clothes? I have decided dressing a bump is much easier in the Summer than the Winter! Long tanks and open cardigans are great, but flowy Summer tops and maxis were so easy! I hardly needed any maternity clothes with Claire. This time, I need more maternity tops to cover my belly and layer because coats zipped up hit at my belly button, haha. Luckily warm weather is not far away! That being said, I am still wearing mostly maternity and non-maternity leggings and non-maternity yoga pants. The best fitting non-maternity tops are my GapFit shirts (although I have a maternity one as well and I like wearing it in hopes I don't stretch the others out!).
Movement?  Still moving a ton during her really active times. She's also been hanging on my right side a lot this week. Little body parts have been poking up on that side and the top of my belly all week!

Cravings? Just give me all the candy. This is not good for my blood sugars though! And I'll probably have a new cavity by the time I have this baby : /
Anything make you queasy or sick? No, but I did have a few random waves of nausea this week...
Sleep? Sleep is still great! Unless I wake up during the night, I sometimes have a really hard time getting back to sleep.
Best moment this week: There were a few! 
On the day I hit 26 weeks (last Friday), she got the hiccups for the first time! I wasn't sure if that's what they were at first- I just remember Claire's being so strong, but that was probably closer toward the end of my pregnancy with her- but they were definitely little hiccups!
One night before bed while I was reading to Claire, she had her head on my belly and Kate kept pushing on it and Claire kept trying to find a new spot. Just a preview of things to come I'm sure, but it was sweet knowing Claire could feel her moving- but not knowing what was really going on!
We also celebrated our little friend Finley's 3rd birthday and had an early birthday lunch with some of my family at Miller's Grocery- so Kate got her first taste of that delicious food!! :)
Gender: Girl :)
Labor signs? nope, just the random Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms? The random nausea; pubic bone pain (ugh, apparently this is common and luckily it's not really bad and only hurts when I stand up from sitting on the floor and occasionally when walking); not AS hungry this week! I just get so hungry in the afternoon; I have been pretty wiped out around 5pm- probably partly pregnancy, partly staying up too late
Belly button in or out? flat, but starting to pop out at the top (or sometimes on the side...I guess it depends on her position?). When I lay down, it's completely flat.
What I miss: really not much at all. Although Claire had a rough day this week and I kept thinking how nice a glass of wine would be! ;)
What I am looking forward to: We have another ultrasound this week!
Milestones: Hiccups :)

Sometimes Claire thinks I have two baby bumps.... ;)

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