Saturday, April 4, 2015

34 Weeks


How far along? 34 weeks 
Weight Gain: The Easter candy has started to come out...I have decided being pregnant between October to April is dangerous (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's, Easter...oink). I wouldn't be surprised if I pack on another 5lb between my appointments, which are 2 weeks apart : /
Maternity clothes? Wearing maternity bottoms MUCH more. Waistbands are getting pretty uncomfortable. Belly hangs out of a lot of regular shirts (yikes), so my few maternity shirts are on heavy rotation! Glad the weather is warming up because warmer weather means dresses- probably the most comfortable thing to wear when pregnant.
Movement?  Dance parties almost daily! 
Cravings? Nothing out of the ordinary this week
Anything make you queasy or sick? No, but I did have some nausea this week. Just one morning, nothing terrible.

Sleep? Oh sigh. It's getting rough. I seem to either be super tired or super awake and lately at night, I've been super awake. Which means a late bedtime. Plus I have been waking up more frequently due to hip pain and it being difficult to roll from one side to the other! Wednesday night I slept through the night, not waking up once in pain, so maybe I'll get some more nights like that!
Best moment this week: One of my best friends, Lauren, and her sweet mom threw a baby shower for me and Kate! It was so pretty and sweet and perfect. It was fun to hang out with family and friends (and eat delicious food!). And Claire enjoyed opening all the gifts (well, for a little while anyway...more wipes?! Buttpaste?? Haha). We got some great things for Kate, so at least I know we will have her diapered, clothed, and fed for the first month or so of her life ;)
Also, both BPP and NST appointments this week went great! Woohoo!

Gender: Girl
Labor signs? Not really a labor sign, just my body practicing, but LOTS of Braxton Hicks this week. And they are getting more uncomfortable.
Symptoms? BH contractions, pains- growing pains/hip pains/pubic bone pains/muscle pains (like feeling like I ran a mile- which would major for me, haha!)/right rib, back, belly pain (she loooves my right side). I've probably said it before, but baby two has definitely been harder on my body!
What I miss: Not feeling like a 90 year old lady! But it's all worth it for this wiggle worm :)
What I am looking forward to: Easter fun this weekend! Easter egg hunts, maybe visiting the Bunny, family time, egg dying, and maybe, just maybe, eating some Easter candy ;)
Milestones: It's April. We COULD have a baby this month, but can officially say we WILL have a baby next month!!! Whoa.
Random thoughts this week: I keep meaning to add this, but by the time I fill out my survey for the week, I always forget my random thoughts! And when I started writing this, I knew what I wanted to say...but I already forgot. Pregnancy brain, serious stuff.

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