Sunday, April 19, 2015

36 Weeks


How far along? 36 weeks 
Weight Gain: I only have to weigh when I see the doctor (thank goodness!), but I have been averaging 2-2.5lbs a week, soo....
Maternity clothes? No changes here. I have about 4 pants I rotate (three maternity, one non) and any tops that cover my belly ;), most of which are actually non-maternity. Glad tunics are so popular and I have several!
Movement?  It seemed like she was moving constantly this week! I love it though! Except when it feels like she's pushing down into my hip bones...that's a little uncomfortable.
Cravings? Nothing major this week. I did get the idea of a milkshake in my head and fought it for about 18 hours before giving in ;)
Anything make you queasy or sick? Just peppermint gum. Ugh. So weird.

Sleep? Still sleeping really well! I do wake up to move, because it definitely requires effort and is usually a little painful, but I have luckily been able to get back to sleep easily.
Best moment this week: How about best/craziest moment?!? First, we scheduled a c-section date! If I go into labor before then, we will play it by ear, but if not we know she will be here May 5th! That's a nice thing about scheduled c-sections. Knowing when, at the latest, we will get to meet our baby :)
Second, and this is the crazy one. I'm still in shock. Monday at my ultrasound they checked baby's growth...come to find out in 3 weeks she has skyrocketed from the 41st percentile up to >97th percentile!!! WHAT!? She weighed in at an estimated 7.5lbs. SEVEN AND A HALF POUNDS!!! With over 3 weeks to go. I honestly am wondering if measurements were off because I feel like I would have been feeling some major growing pains. So who really knows. They can be off my a pound or so (GIVE or yeah, she could be bigger?! Oh lawd). We will find out soon enough!

Gender: Girl
Labor signs? None
Symptoms? Same as last week. Although I did notice this week that my belly is getting numb. I need to look back and see if this happened with Claire. It's strange! The upper right part of my back has also randomly started bothering me :( Really not sure if it's pregnancy related or possibly the way I'm sleeping.
What I miss: Just being able to walk/stand up/get dressed/shave my legs/move without hurting! But I would do it all again!
What I am looking forward to: My next doctor's appointment to see what she says about this chunky monkey I'm growing and we have FINALLY started working on the girl's room and the guest room/play room. The house is a disaster which stresses me out a little bit, but at the same time I'm excited for any progress!
Milestones: Kate has a drawer with clean, folded clothes in it!! Woohoo! PROGRESS! ;)

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