Saturday, February 28, 2015

29 Weeks

How far along? 29 weeks
Weight gain? Find out soon...
Maternity clothes? Pretty much live in leggings and yoga pants (some maternity, some not) and wearing more maternity tops.
Movement?  All the time! I was thinking she moves more than Claire did, but remembered my placenta padded a lot of Claire's kicks and punches. Or maybe she does move more and will be just as wild as Claire! ;)

Cravings?  A lime margarita!! And chocolate.
Anything make you queasy or sick? No
Sleep? Don't go to bed as early as I should, but I sleep great! Unless I wake up early in the morning around 4 or later...sometimes I can't get back to sleep. Yuck.
Best moment this week: Ha, pretty much all I can remember about this week is all the consignment shopping I did!! Got some great stuff for both girls :) It's just so fun! We also had a new little friend join us on Thursday morning- our friend Nicole had her baby boy, Brody :) I keep saying I'm glad I'm already pregnant because these babies are giving me baby fever!
Gender: Girl <3 comment-3--="">
Labor signs? Nothing other than occasional Braxton Hicks
Symptoms? Same stuff for the most part. Starting to get full faster at meals as my belly grows and my stomach runs out of room!
Belly button in or out? Out
What I am looking forward to: Seeing what this baby is going to look like!! Will she look like her sister? More like me or more like J? Can't believe we will know in just a little over 2 months!
Milestones: Third trimester!! (WHAT!?)

Claire helping me get the light right ;)

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