Friday, February 6, 2015

26 Weeks


How far along? 26 weeks
Maternity clothes? Mostly leggings- sometimes maternity, sometimes not- and mostly regular tops. My sleep shirts are starting to get short, so I will probably start stealing some of J's!
Movement?  Lots! Some days I won't feel much, but late at night I can always count on some major moving. Some days I feel her here and there all day long.
Cravings? Nothing really sticks out this week except for the usual, candy.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope
Sleep? I've been staying up too late, but once I go to bed I sleep great!  
Best moment this week: This week I was able to feel a foot or hand or elbow or something sticking out a little and was able to push it down my belly. So weird, but so neat!
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs? nope!
Symptoms? I get pretty tired in the evenings and most nights feel like I could go to bed by 7! (But I never do). Hungry! Not constant, but about every 2 hours I'm super hungry. Some indigestion/reflux (that hair should be growing in around now...wonder if we will have another Elvis head of hair!)
Belly button in or out? pretty much completely flat
What I miss: I really don't have many complaints! When people ask how I'm feeling, I'm always saying how "normal" I feel. If I wasn't growing by the day and feeling little kicks and rolls in there, I would hardly know I'm pregnant!  
Weekly wisdom: Go to BED! Haha  
What I am looking forward to: Hiccups! Making progress on the girls' room (sounds so weird!!) and playroom!! I ordered a wooden monogram for her to match Claire's so both can have one above their bed :) I also took some things to get monogrammed this week for both of them. I think having stuff with her name on it is going to make this seem a little more real!
Milestones: Less than 100 days to go!! 

Claire was helping me get the light right :) 
Is she not the cutest thing you have ever seen?!? 
(she likes to wear her stethoscope and listen to the baby's "heart beep" :)

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