Saturday, January 31, 2015

25 Weeks


How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain? So stepping on the scale wasn't so bad this time around! Only gained 4lbs in the last 3 weeks, which is nothing at the rate I've been going ;)
Maternity clothes/Movement? Here and there. I honestly find a couple outfits each week that are comfortable and wear them over and over. Ha!
Cravings? Cherries/cherry flavored things still. It's like when I was pregnant with Claire, strawberries tasted better than ever. This time, it's cherries. Yummm. Candy. A milkshake one day (it's weird because I would not have eaten ice cream, but a milkshake sounded amazing. Pregnancy is weird). Real healthy stuff : /
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope!

Sleep? Still great :)
Best moment this week: I have serious "preggo/baby/toddler/mom/whatever you want to call it" brain and can hardly remember what I did last night! We went to Chattanooga Sunday to celebrate Cooper's 2nd birthday and had a lot of fun. Claire had a blast and was asleep within 5 minutes of getting in the car :) Later we went to the circus. I'll just say I won't take her back anytime soon. She wanted to see elephants and nothing else...and the elephants are only maybe 15% of the show. Yikes. I also had an appointment this week and things are going great. Made adjustments to insulin to help my blood sugars, checked her heart rate (strong in the 150s), and measured my belly and it was right on schedule. We also scheduled my next ultrasound in 3 weeks, so I'm already excited to see her again! :)

Gender? Baby girl
Labor signs? No, no, no. Hoping for none of that until April 26th or later!

Symptoms? Memory loss. Ha! Normal pregnancy hunger (and by that I mean I am hungry about 2 hours after I eat. You know, like a newborn.) Still get weepy pretty easily, but I think it's improved!This has been going on a while, but I always forget to mention it. My sense of smell is definitely heightened. I smell EVERYTHING!
Belly button in or out? Working it's way on out. Depending on the day it's in a little bit or flat. But the top is always out. A random lady even pointed it out at the circus. Thanks?
What I miss: Sleeping in any position I please. Lying on my back makes me feel faint, lying flat on my stomach is obviously out of the question ;)
What I am looking forward to: We are getting a dresser this weekend to put in our room, move some of my stuff into to make more room for baby's clothes and necessities! Then hopefully on our way to converting the guest room to a guest room/playroom and Claire's room into a shared room :)

Milestones: I am definitely at the point where I am obviously pregnant. This week I have had more people say "Oh! What are you having?" and just being nicer in general- getting doors, taking my cart, etc.

Poor Claire. Someone took her paci away (it was her dad) ;)

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