Wednesday, April 25, 2012

20 weeks- halfway!

How far along? 20 weeks
Maternity clothes?  not yet- but I am definitely walking around (and definitely sitting!) with my pants unbuttoned! I still have one pair of jeans that button comfortably, but when I'm not working, I mostly live in leggings and yoga pants!
Movement? Just little things still- movement (maybe  her rolling around?), but no real kicks. Found out at my appointment that the location of my placenta will probably prevent me from REALLY feeling her kick for another week or 2. I think I've maybe felt a couple of little nudges though, but I'm ready for J to be able to feel her, too :) *I definitely felt 2 little kicks last night (4/23) and more this morning! Maybe J will be able to feel her sooner than I thought!!
Fruit and candy. Was finally able to satisfy my shaved ice craving over the weekend, yummm
Anything make you queasy or sick? nope!
Sleep? it is what it is! Would love more, but will take what I can get!
Best moment this week: having our 2nd trimester ultrasound last week! Although we didn't get to see everything we needed to this time, everything we did see looked great!
Gender: definitely all girl!!
Labor signs? nope!

Symptoms? still nauseous 1 or 2 days a week, headaches, bladder feels full pretty much all the time! and hungry almost all of the time!!
Belly button in or out? in, but so shallow. I have such a deep innie, it's weird to be able to actually see my belly button!
What I miss: keeping my pants buttoned and zipped! haha! Actually, I don't mind it at all because it's so comfortable to leave them undone! I might try to start a no button/no zipper trend ;)
What I am looking forward to:  getting started on the nursery! We took a trip to Atlanta over the weekend and bought our first piece of nursery furniture!! We went with this dresser because it provides a lot of storage and is a great height for a changing table- plus, the dresser is long, so we will be able to keep other things on top as well. I was weak this weekend at H&M and will need that extra storage for sure- little miss definitely stocked up! I'm trying not to buy her lots of clothes, but we totally broke that rule. Have you ever seen H&M's baby clothes?! I couldn't help it. So adorable and soft and cheap!! I'll try to stop with the clothes now... :)

Weekly wisdom: We'll see if this turns out to be true or not...but when I do buy clothes I try to stick to 6 months and bigger- I figure most people will buy 0-6 months for gifts. Hopefully this assumption is right!
Milestones: 20 to go!! Halfway there!

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