Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pregnancy Brain

So up until yesterday, I really didn't buy into the idea of "pregnancy brain". I realize I can be forgetful and didn't want to use being pregnant as an excuse (although sometimes at work, I've wondered if they would buy it! ;). I usually just chalk it up to me being me (like the time I tried to use the food processor and didn't put the blade in...I was pregnant, but didn't know it- that's way too early to blame it on the baby!). But this time, I did something way not normal and weird...

A few days ago, I cut up some apples so that they would be an easy snack. Put them in a tupperware container and stuck them in the fridge. I had some for a snack Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, decided they would be good with some peanut butter for breakfast. Well, I scoured the refrigerator and could not find them anywhere. I moved stuff around, opened drawers. They weren't there. I figured J had eaten them the night before or took them to work, and just decided I'd call him on my way to work and ask. Turns out, he hadn't touched them! As soon as I got home from work yesterday, I was on a mission to find those apples! Checked the fridge again (and the freezer, just in case)...nope. Did I leave them in the living room where I was eating them? Nope. Were they in our room or the guest room for some reason? No and no. So I headed back to the kitchen. Checked the trash- not there. The oven, nope. Started looking in the cabinets (maybe I put it in with the rest of the tupperware?)- not in the first three I checked. Then I opened the cabinet with the pots...tada!

I mean, that's totally where apples should go, right?!
Wow... I guess this "pregnancy brain" thing is for real! I'm sure this is only the beginning. J should be scared!

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