Monday, April 2, 2012

17 weeks

How far along? 17 weeks
Maternity clothes? still able to wear most of my clothes pretty comfortably. Haven't even busted out the belly band yet! 

Movement? I am pretty positive I've felt a few things- little bubbles and a swoosh, but still not daily or anything that's a definite movement.
Cravings? candy and sweets! Wanting ice cream more than usual and still having strawberries pretty much everyday 
Anything make you queasy or sick? nope
Sleep? about the same- not great, not awful
Best moment this week: the best moment of week 16 has got to be finding out that we are having a sweet girl! And of course getting to see her on the ultrasound- it's always amazing to see your baby and see that little heart pumping, but it was so neat for the first time to be able to see her moving her arms and kicking those little legs (a LOT! I have a feeling when she's big enough for me to feel, I'm going to be getting kicked a careful what you wish for, right!? :) Part of the ultrasound was 3D, so we did get a good look at one of her and one of her hands :) I also got to go on a fun shopping trip with 3 of my closest friends over the weekend- baby racked up!!
Labor signs? nope
Symptoms? indigestion/heartburn is a little more frequent, but I"m pretty sure the nausea is gone (hooray!!) and my energy is great most days!
Belly button in or out? in- but it's definitely getting more shallow
What I miss: really good sleep!
What I am looking forward to: my appointment this week- can never hear that heartbeat enough! And our anatomy scan in a couple weeks- praying that all is well!! Oh, and settling on a name for baby!
Weekly wisdom: the $75 we paid for the early gender ultrasound was totally worth it in my opinion! We got to see her (and find out she's a "her"!), get new photos, and a video of the entire ultrasound!
Milestones: Finding out that we are expecting a little baby girl!

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