Monday, April 9, 2012

18 weeks

How far along? 18 weeks
Maternity clothes? nope, unless the Belly Band counts. Officially broke that out Saturday! Shouldn't have waited so long- SO.much.more.comfortable!! 

Movement? yes! Just little things pops and bubbles here and there. I love it. Can't wait to really feel her kicking around in there though!
Cravings? Not really. Although hard boiled eggs sound good pretty much all of the time (thanks Easter! :)
Anything make you queasy or sick? nope
Sleep? seems to be a little better- yay!
Best moment this week: feeling those little movements here and there (usually something at least once a day) and had a good doctor appointment Thursday! Although I'm going to stop looking at the scale when I step up there- that number is moving up a little too fast for me!
Gender: sweet girl 
Labor signs? Too early!
Symptoms? nausea is still hanging around, but other than that just a growing belly! (and chest!)
Belly button in or out? In!
What I miss: I really don't miss a whole lot. 
What I am looking forward to: our 19 week ultrasound next week- ready to see and hear her, and hoping/praying for a great, healthy report!
Weekly wisdom: Being able to be pregnant and have a baby is such a blessing- I really try to focus on that and not complain about the things that aren't so great about being pregnant. It's hard to remember sometimes and of course there are some parts of pregnancy that aren't so wonderful (nausea/vomiting for example), but I know there are some who would give anything to be vomiting every single day for 10 months if it meant they got to have a baby at the end. So, I'll take it- the good, the bad, and the ugly! Like I've told J several times, I never thought I'd be so happy to feel so crappy! :)
Milestones: more movement!

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