Monday, April 16, 2012

19 Weeks

How far along? 19 weeks
Maternity clothes?  still not wearing anything maternity unless you count the belly band. However, maternity clothes are sounding better and better everyday! Dresses almost everyday are in my near future...

Movement? Yes! Still nothing profound, but I usually feel at least one little thing each day. Really cool and feels nothing like I thought it would!
Cravings? Just candy and sweets! Which is awful- I try to eat a lot of fruit instead. Or if I do have sweets, drink a lot of milk with it!
Anything make you queasy or sick? nope!
Sleep? The same- I guess this is as good as it's going to get and it's really not too bad! (because I imagine the bigger I get, the more uncomfortable I will be and getting up for the bathroom will get more frequent)
Best moment this week: pretty quiet week pregnancy wise...but I do enjoy the comments from friends and family telling me how good I look! Definitely nice to hear when you've been packing on the pounds :) Although it's normal and necessary to gain weight while pregnant, it's also crazy to see your body change so quickly!
Gender: Girl!(unless something has changed since week 16...we'll find out Thursday for sure! ;)
Labor signs? no, way too early!
Symptoms? still nauseous 1 or 2 days a week, constantly running back and forth to the bathroom to empty my bladder
Belly button in or out? in!
What I miss: ??
What I am looking forward to:  our "mid-pregnancy" ultrasound this week- confirm the gender, checking on baby's growth, and getting to see her! Also looking forward to a weekend trip to Atlanta to (hopefully) buy some pieces for the nursery!
Weekly wisdom: surround yourself with people who encourage and compliment you! Really nice!
Milestones: about halfway there and starting to show more! Just this morning I had 2 people in our office building stop me and make a comment about my belly- finally starting to look pregnant, yay!

Random...I also had a dream last night about being in labor and delivering our baby! The labor was very strange. I was at the hospital with my mom and sister, Annie. The hospital looked nothing like any hospital I've ever been in...maybe more old-timey looking mixed with a movie hospital? Anyway, J couldn't get there for some reason and everything was so fast. I was in a labor and delivery room and they did a c-section right there. The whole thing happened in like 5 minutes. Anyway, everything was fine and I got to see the baby. A little girl with lots of blonde hair! The whole thing was just so strange and I remember thinking after the labor (in the dream) what just happened? Do we have pictures? Where's J?! It was weeeeeird. But that is the second dream I've had about a little girl with blonde hair (the other was a long time ago- before our friends Chris and Emily found out they were expecting their son Finley, I had a dream about a little boy- it was Finley- with dark brown hair and a little girl with blonde curls- not sure who she was) I'm interested to see if we are going to be surprised with a little tow headed baby girl?!

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