Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Egg Gender Reveal

pink flowers from Aunt Laura (in the cute mug passed down to me by Emily!)          
As I said before, we did not tell anyone about our appointment to find out the gender. I knew I didn't want to have a gender reveal party, but I still wanted everyone to be totally surprised when they found out what we were having. No one saw it coming :) With Easter being around the corner, we decided to put together eggs with a pink Peep inside with a note saying "It's a girl!". Over the last week we passed them out to a handful of friends and family. I should have taken more pictures, but that always gives away the fact that a surprise is coming! The reactions were too funny. Pretty much everyone was like, "oh ok, an Easter egg, thanks!". Even my mom opened hers and was all excited about the Peep and then saw the note stuck in the top of the egg and realized what the egg was all about- she was flipping out to say the least! It was really fun to hand out the eggs and to see the faces of those we were able to tell in person. We are all so excited about this sweet baby girl!

we're having a girl!

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