Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!

After being out late at a friend's house Saturday (10pm is late for me nowadays, but this was for real late, like MIDNIGHT! ;), we slept in and instead of going out for brunch, I went to the store and picked up a few things to make something at home. I'm so glad we did! I cooked and we sat outside to eat. It was so pretty, we ended up staying outside all afternoon- it was nice to enjoy the weather, talk, and let Cash run around. It's crazy to think we will have an almost 7 month old on our hands next Easter! :) Late afternoon, my mom came up and we dyed Easter eggs! It's been years since I've done that (although with our little one on the way, I'm sure we will be dying eggs for many years to come!)

For dinner, we met up with Willie and Taylor for our usual Sunday night dinner AND to celebrate their birthdays! (oh and that's brunch in the middle)

And while my mom was at the house, I decided we had to take a cheesy "We're Egg-specting!" picture! I thought it was a cute idea- especially for someone announcing their pregnancy around Easter! (unfortunately, we were a little dressed down, ha!)
 Hope you had a wonderful Easter Sunday!

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