Friday, April 20, 2012

She's still a she!

Yesterday we had our mid-pregnancy ultrasound! This is typically when we would find out the gender, but of course we already knew that part :) However, we did get to confirm that she is still a she! For the rest of it, she was pretty stubborn (or maybe she's just shy). She was moving around a lot as in wiggling and squirming, but would not change position for anything. So we have to go back in a month to try to get a better view of a few things. The good news is, the parts we did get a good view of all looked great and she's measuring right on track (literally- some measurements were to the exact week and day!)- she can be stubborn all she wants, I just want her healthy! At one point the ultrasound tech even said out loud (talking to my belly/the baby) "are you going to cooperate with us today?" and it looked like she shook her head a little back in forth as if she were saying "nope!"! And since she was being a little difficult, our ultrasound was close to an hour and a half long...but that meant we were able to watch her that much longer! The time flew by for me. It was so neat to see her moving around and see her cute legs, arms, fingers and toes! They estimated she weighs about 11 ounces right now- about the weight of a can of coke! (didn't say anything about her length, but the average is about 6 inches crown to rump...however, her weight is a little above average! ha!) So we go back in four weeks to get the rest of the images we are lacking and for another growth check. That will begin my growth ultrasounds every four weeks until week 32 when I will go in twice a week, every week- one day for a non-stress test and one day for a growth ultrasound. It's crazy to think those are just around the corner!

1 comment:

Kiley said...

I love the baby bump pics!! Keep them coming - so clever :)