Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Saturday we had our first "real" (actually stuck to the ground) snow! It started falling late Friday night. I went back and forth between waking Claire up or not because I knew she'd be so excited. I finally decided to wake her up, but she wasn't having it! She barely opened her eyes and kept snoozing. When I woke her up in the morning I said "Claire, there's snow outside! Do you want to go play in the snow?!" She popped up and said, "Snow?!" and was out of the bed running to look out the living room window :) She started to put her hat and boots on before I could even start to help her. Before long, we both had on our layers and headed outside. She LOVED it and was so excited to see snow (she is still talking about it and asks everyday if it's snowing. If I say no, she'll say "raining?" :). She ran around, picked it up and threw "snowballs", but mostly wanted to eat it :) She had such a good time and I hated that it melted so quickly. Hoping we get at least one more snow this winter, even though I am so looking forward to Spring and warmer weather. But I always say, if it's going to be cold, it might as well snow! Right?! :)

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