Friday, January 2, 2015

21 Weeks


How far along? 21 weeks 
Total weight gain: I have an appointment this week and I'm really considering not looking at the scale. My eating has been out of control :/
Maternity clothes? Some days and some days not. Lots of legging wearing going on ;)
Movement? Lots!! And not just kicks, I feel some serious moving going on and can sometimes get pushback when I press on my belly. Love all the movement!!
Cravings?  If it's unhealthy, it's probably on the list. Ugh! Fruit snacks (particularly Walmart's Fruit Smiles), Popsicles (at least they're tangerine and carrot?!), tortilla chips (made a couple batches of fresh guacamole this week, so at least I'm getting plenty of avocado!), hamburger/fries, and I would love a shaved ice!!
Anything make you queasy or sick? No :)
Sleep? Still great!
Best moment this week: J was off work all week, so it was nice having him around (and having an extra hand!). We also had a fun visit with Meghann and Nicole (who is due with baby Brody next month :)- Claire loved pointing to the "babies", and ringing in the New Year with a quiet night at home, just the 3 of us!
Gender: Girl! Still can't believe it sometimes, but am so excited and want to buy all the pink things!!
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? Breakouts, super hormonal/emotional, either great energy or don't want to move...but luckily the nausea didn't show up this week! Yay! Also have noticed some shortness of breath when I hold Claire resting on the top of my belly.
Belly button in or out? Same! Sticking out at the top and getting verrrry shallow
What I miss: Some champagne on New Years would have been yummy, but I must say the sparkling white grape juice we had was pretty tasty!
What I am looking forward to: excited, and a little stressed, to get things ready for another baby
Weekly wisdom: Trying to soak up this pregnancy. It is going by SO fast. With Claire, it was just J and I and was so new and different. This time we have a 2 year old to care for and chase around and the weeks go by so quickly! I want to focus on enjoying this pregnancy and all of the movements and milestones, and also soak up this time with Claire as an only child :)
Milestones: It's 2015!! The year we will meet baby Kate :)

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