Friday, January 9, 2015

22 Weeks


How far along? 22 weeks 
Total weight gain: Well, I looked at the scale. Already up a whopping 20lbs!!! Yep, you read that right. Looks like I'm on track to gain as much as I did with Claire, ha : /
Maternity clothes? Same- sometimes, but not all the time. I got a couple pairs of maternity leggings, but my favorite/most comfortable pair are some non-maternity leggings that have always been a favorite. Plus they are thicker which is nice for these super cold days!!
Movement? Starting to notice more of a pattern with active times and during those times there is a LOT of movement. Thursday (1/8) I was laying on the couch during Claire's nap and could see some of them!
Cravings?  Smoothies, maraschino cherries, red velvet cupcakes (my mom came to the rescue, but I think it may have been the buttercream frosting I was craving more than anything!)
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope
Sleep? Still great! Although I'm starting to feel the heaviness when I roll over and/or get up in the morning
Best moment this week: Loving all the movement! It's a good reassurance that she's doing ok in there :)
Gender: Girl :)
Labor signs? No, thank goodness!
Symptoms? This is weird, but I noticed it with Claire, too. Over the last couple of weeks, I've noticed I don't need to shave my legs as often. Breakouts are still pretty bad, but my back is a lot better. Hungry almost all of the time. Blood sugars started running higher this week, so looks like I'm already getting more insulin resistant (completely normal), but definitely want to get them back within normal range! Made some changes at my appointment and already noticing improvement. And a growing bump, of course!
Belly button in or out? Sticking out on top (can see through fitted shirts). I think it will be entirely flat pretty soon!
What I miss: Not running out of breath so easily! And I know it only gets worse...
What I am looking forward to: We have another ultrasound this week! Monday we have our fetal echo to make sure baby's heart looks good and everything is developing/functioning as it should.

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