Monday, January 19, 2015

23 Weeks


How far along? 23 weeks 
Total weight gain: Luckily I don't have to get on a scale for a couple more weeks!
Maternity clothes? Sometimes! My sister got me a maternity shirt for Christmas and I may have worn it 3 days this week...
Movement? Everyday! I notice a lot when Claire and I lay down to read. I like to think it's because she likes to hear my voice :)
Cravings?  Sweets! That's really about it lately
Anything make you queasy or sick? No
Sleep? Great!
Best moment this week: At our fetal echo, we got a surprise and they switched the ultrasound to the 3D view! It was so neat to see her sweet face. Everything looked normal on the ultrasound, so that was great to hear as well. It was a long ultrasound (about an hour), but Claire did great and kept pointing to the screen saying "Baby right there!" and saying her name. However, she also pointed to the picture on the screen and at different times called the baby a monkey, a horse, and Elmo ;)
Gender: Double checked Monday, definitely still a little lady
Labor signs? Nope! Braxton Hicks occasionally, but all normal.
Symptoms? Hunger and growing belly! Moodiness...eek. I get several bursts of "nesting" urges and want to do all kind of things around the house (this has been going on several weeks), so I try to take advantages of those times. Unless I'm just too tired and can't get off the couch!
Belly button in or out? Top sticks out and the rest is pretty much flat!

What I miss: I honestly miss not being hungry during all waking hours!
What I am looking forward to: Not pregnancy related, but we have some warm days coming up (after this last week of 30's- brrrr) and I'm really looking forward to some walks and time outside!

Milestones: Fetal echo done and Kate's heart looks great!! Also started a registry at Target this week :) So different from being with Claire where there was tons of thought and research and seemed like such a major step J and I needed to do together. I went to pick up a few things (alone!) and while I was there I thought, hey, I might as well register for a few things while I have time/not a screaming child ;)

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