Saturday, January 24, 2015

24 Weeks


How far along? 24 weeks 
Total weight gain: I go back to the doctor next week, so we will see! I don't feel like I've gained much since the last visit and haven't been as hungry, but I also won't be surprised if I've gained several more pounds ;)
Maternity clothes? Still about half and half. Tunics still fit great, but a lot of regular shirts are getting too short
Movement? Yep! One of my favorite parts :)
Cravings?  Cherries/cherry flavor- had a cherry lemonade at dinner this week and it's all I want! Also got my burger/fries/milkshake fix this week. Yum!
Anything make you queasy or sick? No
Sleep? Sleeping great!
Best moment this week: Amazing weather! Claire and I went to the zoo Monday- it was 60 degrees!!
Gender: Girl
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? Most of the same, nothing new- hunger has decreased some, but baby and belly are definitely still growing! I can definitely feel the weight gain when going up stairs or an incline and when bending down to pick stuff up (which is constant with a 2 year old!)

Belly button in or out? Top sticks out enough that it's visible through shirts and the rest is pretty flat
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach. I will sleep half on my stomach, half on my side a lot, but that won't last too much longer
What I am looking forward to: I am really looking forward to making changes around the house to make room for baby and all her stuff! It's going to be a big project and we need to get busy!

Milestones: If I'm remembering right, she can now feel if I'm dancing. Claire and I are going to have to have more dance parties!! :)

A couple pictures with the cutest special guest :)


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