Thursday, June 21, 2012

Two down, one to go!

I can't believe we are in the third trimester! If you think about it, the second trimester is really the longest. The first trimester you ususally don't know you're in your first trimester until at least week 5 or 6, so it ends up being about 9 weeks or less of knowing. The third trimester techincally extends to week 42 which most people don't get to. Anyway, we made it through the longest trimester, 14 full weeks! I can't believe we will meet our daughter in the next 10-12 weeks!!

This trimester:
- Baby grew from the size of a lemon (about 3.5 inches from head to rump and 1.5 ounces) to the size of a head of cauliflower (about 14.8 inches head to heel and 2.5 lbs)- that's a LOT of growing!! (and it shows!!)

- Found out we are having a sweet baby GIRL
- Finally announced the pregnancy to "everyone" ;)
- Felt definite movements week 17 and J got to feel her move week 21. Since then she's given a few others a kick as well :)
- I started "showing"! Even though I didn't feel like it at the time, I would say the bump started to become obvious week 18
- Got great reports from her ultrasounds and echo
- I chopped off 8-9 inches of hair!!
- Got a start on her nursery. We better kick it into high gear!
- Saw her swallowing and practicing her breathing (still waiting for those hiccups!) on the ultrasound and for the first time could see her kick and feel it at the same time. And of course fell in love with those adorable feet!
- Received our first baby shower invitation (I need to post a picture of it- SO cute!!)
- Even though I was nervous about it, we went to the beach at the end of week 27. Everything was fine and I'm so glad we went!

About 2 1/2 months to go...this sweet pea is going to be here before we know it!


mom/lulu said...

these pictures side by side are great! hope j has recovered from our assembling the crib project :-D

Kiley and Matthew said...

Love Love these photos - baby E will really enjoy these when she is older. heck, you will love to look back and see these photos.