Sunday, June 10, 2012

26 Weeks

*an eggplant was from week 25, maybe I can blame this on preggy brain?! She's actually the length of an english hothouse cucumber- about 14 inches long! (and excuse my appearance, I had just gotten home from a 11 hour work day=exhausted!)

How far along? 26 weeks (27 tomorrow!)
Maternity clothes? Same- all regular clothes and one pair of maternity pants
Movement?  She moves a lot- lots of moving around, kicking, and punching going on in there!
basically anything sweet (including fruit!) Apples, strawberries, grapes, and mandarin oranges top the list. I still have strawberries at least 5 days a week, usually every day...yum.
Anything make you queasy or sick? still saying no to spinach and pizza. They don't make me queasy or sick, but neither taste right to me
Sleep? Just trying to be happy with what I can get!
Best moment this week: Friday morning, the 8th, I felt a roll (from the outside)! Not sure if it was a foot, elbow, or knee, but it was neat to feel something different than the usual kicks and jabs. She also let a couple other friends feel her moves this week- sometimes she's shy, but I've found if you cramp her space a little, she'll push back!
Gender: Girl!!
Labor signs?
No...and we have 90-ish days to go, so no signs for a while please! :)
Symptoms? round ligament pain/growing pains; tired; not really having heartburn/indigestion, but having to burp a lot or feeling like I have one stuck in my chest; back acne; occasional (not painful or frequent!) BH contractions; leg cramps
Belly button in or out? still shallow, starting to poke out more at the top
What I miss: so far, this pregnancy has been really easy on me and I feel so "normal"! So I don't have many complaints, however, I do miss having a clear back!
Weekly wisdom: I am so grateful for my doctor and her staff- they always listen to my (many) questions and treat them as real concerns, even if they aren't a big deal. Always makes me feel so much better!

What I am looking forward to: I'm looking forward to feeling her moving more and her having more of an active/sleeping pattern. Of course I'm also looking forward to making more progress on her nursery and figuring out her name! Oh and trying out my sewing skills on some baby things :)

Milestones: Less than 100 days to go!! Also, she could start to open her eyes towards the end of this week!

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