Sunday, June 3, 2012

25 weeks

100 days to go!
How far along? 25 weeks (she's about 13 1/2 inches long and a pound and a half)
Maternity clothes? With this hot weather, I've started wearing dresses more frequently, but other than that, all of my regular clothes and one pair of maternity pants.
Movement?  She was having a dance party a couple of days this week! I feel her most at work (I guess since I'm sitting most of the day) and then usually after work if I'm sitting around. I've also noticed when I wake up at anytime during the night (we're talking midnight-4am) she is ALWAYS moving. Looks like we'll have a night owl on our hands...
Fruit- strawberries, apples, grapes, anything fruit. Pancakes!
Anything make you queasy or sick? spinach and pizza still not sounding great... 
Sleep? Definitely not great, but I have slept through the night several nights over the past week or so! And by that I mean from when I go to bed until 5am, although I don't have to be up until 6:30 or 7 during the week- but I'm getting more consistent sleep rather than waking up a couple times in the middle of the night. I have also started putting a pillow under my belly/hip and between my knees to help with little aches and pains through the night.
Best moment this week: We finally made huge progress on the house over the weekend! YAY! Thank you J for moving the office furniture and guest room furniture!! Now the nursery is ready for her furniture :) We put together her dresser on Memorial Day and I got started organizing all of her stuff. It's still so surreal to me that we are getting this room together for this little person we are bringing into the world!
Gender: Girl!!
Labor signs?
Nope- although I have noticed a few more of the BH contractions
Symptoms? The crazy, hormonal emotional pregnant lady has entered the building. Up until this week, I've been pretty "normal"...but now I've started having some moments of unexplained crying...I'm sure this is just the beginning. Waking up in the night with "round ligament pain" and hip pain. Monday I had a really strange pain in my belly- it hurt to stand up straight or take a deep breath. She must have been changing position, but ow! (either that or trying to escape out of my belly button!) Also, the "dark line" is slowly making it's appearance. It's VERY faint right now (maybe it will stay that way??), but it's there.
Belly button in or out? this is so weird, but usually at the end of the day when I'm sitting down, I can take a deep breath and half of my belly button pops out! I definitely think I will have an outie in the next month or so.
What I miss: sleep (better get used to it, I know)

What I am looking forward to: I read she could start getting the hiccups soon- I think it will be neat to feel that!

Milestones: 25 weeks seems like a milestone to me for some reason! (I guess like with birthdays 25/30/35/40 etc are bigger ones that the years in between) Also, my mom (who we plan to call Lulu) felt a kick this week!

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