Friday, March 30, 2012

Sugar and Spice

After about 10 minutes of me flipping from my back, to my left side, to my right side, and back to my back, baby finally revealed to us that it's a SHE! She was curled up facing my spine and then of course the umbilical cord kept getting in the way (I still can't believe I have an umbilical cord inside of me!). Of course! I knew she'd be stubborn ;) I was getting really nervous we weren't going to get to find out, but luckily after all of me moving around and the u/s tech putting on some pressure and shaking the probe, we were able to see! I of course kept saying, "really?? It really is a girl??" and then checking on J to make sure he was okay! ;) Neither one of us was very surprised since we both had a feeling we were going to have a girl, but it was still crazy to actually KNOW! I had to ask him later what the tech said when he told us because it was such a blur to me. I then asked the tech how sure he was (I've heard that sometimes these places can only tell you they are only so much of a percentage sure, but can't tell you 100%)- he then told me he was 100% positive this is a girl. And looking at the picture, I have to agree! If not, I'm going to have lots of girl clothes to return ;) Of course we have just been thrilled about this baby since we found out, but now our excitement has multiplied knowing that we are having a girl and we can finally say "she" and "her" now. We are still working on a name, but it will be nice to actually be able to refer to her by name, too. I just know this little girl is going to have J wrapped around her finger. Can't wait to meet her in about 5 months!!

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