Wednesday, April 25, 2012

20 weeks- halfway!

How far along? 20 weeks
Maternity clothes?  not yet- but I am definitely walking around (and definitely sitting!) with my pants unbuttoned! I still have one pair of jeans that button comfortably, but when I'm not working, I mostly live in leggings and yoga pants!
Movement? Just little things still- movement (maybe  her rolling around?), but no real kicks. Found out at my appointment that the location of my placenta will probably prevent me from REALLY feeling her kick for another week or 2. I think I've maybe felt a couple of little nudges though, but I'm ready for J to be able to feel her, too :) *I definitely felt 2 little kicks last night (4/23) and more this morning! Maybe J will be able to feel her sooner than I thought!!
Fruit and candy. Was finally able to satisfy my shaved ice craving over the weekend, yummm
Anything make you queasy or sick? nope!
Sleep? it is what it is! Would love more, but will take what I can get!
Best moment this week: having our 2nd trimester ultrasound last week! Although we didn't get to see everything we needed to this time, everything we did see looked great!
Gender: definitely all girl!!
Labor signs? nope!

Symptoms? still nauseous 1 or 2 days a week, headaches, bladder feels full pretty much all the time! and hungry almost all of the time!!
Belly button in or out? in, but so shallow. I have such a deep innie, it's weird to be able to actually see my belly button!
What I miss: keeping my pants buttoned and zipped! haha! Actually, I don't mind it at all because it's so comfortable to leave them undone! I might try to start a no button/no zipper trend ;)
What I am looking forward to:  getting started on the nursery! We took a trip to Atlanta over the weekend and bought our first piece of nursery furniture!! We went with this dresser because it provides a lot of storage and is a great height for a changing table- plus, the dresser is long, so we will be able to keep other things on top as well. I was weak this weekend at H&M and will need that extra storage for sure- little miss definitely stocked up! I'm trying not to buy her lots of clothes, but we totally broke that rule. Have you ever seen H&M's baby clothes?! I couldn't help it. So adorable and soft and cheap!! I'll try to stop with the clothes now... :)

Weekly wisdom: We'll see if this turns out to be true or not...but when I do buy clothes I try to stick to 6 months and bigger- I figure most people will buy 0-6 months for gifts. Hopefully this assumption is right!
Milestones: 20 to go!! Halfway there!

Friday, April 20, 2012

She's still a she!

Yesterday we had our mid-pregnancy ultrasound! This is typically when we would find out the gender, but of course we already knew that part :) However, we did get to confirm that she is still a she! For the rest of it, she was pretty stubborn (or maybe she's just shy). She was moving around a lot as in wiggling and squirming, but would not change position for anything. So we have to go back in a month to try to get a better view of a few things. The good news is, the parts we did get a good view of all looked great and she's measuring right on track (literally- some measurements were to the exact week and day!)- she can be stubborn all she wants, I just want her healthy! At one point the ultrasound tech even said out loud (talking to my belly/the baby) "are you going to cooperate with us today?" and it looked like she shook her head a little back in forth as if she were saying "nope!"! And since she was being a little difficult, our ultrasound was close to an hour and a half long...but that meant we were able to watch her that much longer! The time flew by for me. It was so neat to see her moving around and see her cute legs, arms, fingers and toes! They estimated she weighs about 11 ounces right now- about the weight of a can of coke! (didn't say anything about her length, but the average is about 6 inches crown to rump...however, her weight is a little above average! ha!) So we go back in four weeks to get the rest of the images we are lacking and for another growth check. That will begin my growth ultrasounds every four weeks until week 32 when I will go in twice a week, every week- one day for a non-stress test and one day for a growth ultrasound. It's crazy to think those are just around the corner!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Now you see it, now you don't!

I have chopped my hair off again to donate to Pantene Beautiful Locks! So far I'm loving my easy, short new do :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

19 Weeks

How far along? 19 weeks
Maternity clothes?  still not wearing anything maternity unless you count the belly band. However, maternity clothes are sounding better and better everyday! Dresses almost everyday are in my near future...

Movement? Yes! Still nothing profound, but I usually feel at least one little thing each day. Really cool and feels nothing like I thought it would!
Cravings? Just candy and sweets! Which is awful- I try to eat a lot of fruit instead. Or if I do have sweets, drink a lot of milk with it!
Anything make you queasy or sick? nope!
Sleep? The same- I guess this is as good as it's going to get and it's really not too bad! (because I imagine the bigger I get, the more uncomfortable I will be and getting up for the bathroom will get more frequent)
Best moment this week: pretty quiet week pregnancy wise...but I do enjoy the comments from friends and family telling me how good I look! Definitely nice to hear when you've been packing on the pounds :) Although it's normal and necessary to gain weight while pregnant, it's also crazy to see your body change so quickly!
Gender: Girl!(unless something has changed since week 16...we'll find out Thursday for sure! ;)
Labor signs? no, way too early!
Symptoms? still nauseous 1 or 2 days a week, constantly running back and forth to the bathroom to empty my bladder
Belly button in or out? in!
What I miss: ??
What I am looking forward to:  our "mid-pregnancy" ultrasound this week- confirm the gender, checking on baby's growth, and getting to see her! Also looking forward to a weekend trip to Atlanta to (hopefully) buy some pieces for the nursery!
Weekly wisdom: surround yourself with people who encourage and compliment you! Really nice!
Milestones: about halfway there and starting to show more! Just this morning I had 2 people in our office building stop me and make a comment about my belly- finally starting to look pregnant, yay!

Random...I also had a dream last night about being in labor and delivering our baby! The labor was very strange. I was at the hospital with my mom and sister, Annie. The hospital looked nothing like any hospital I've ever been in...maybe more old-timey looking mixed with a movie hospital? Anyway, J couldn't get there for some reason and everything was so fast. I was in a labor and delivery room and they did a c-section right there. The whole thing happened in like 5 minutes. Anyway, everything was fine and I got to see the baby. A little girl with lots of blonde hair! The whole thing was just so strange and I remember thinking after the labor (in the dream) what just happened? Do we have pictures? Where's J?! It was weeeeeird. But that is the second dream I've had about a little girl with blonde hair (the other was a long time ago- before our friends Chris and Emily found out they were expecting their son Finley, I had a dream about a little boy- it was Finley- with dark brown hair and a little girl with blonde curls- not sure who she was) I'm interested to see if we are going to be surprised with a little tow headed baby girl?!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

From 8 to 18.

What a difference 10 weeks makes! I like to see these side by side pictures- really shows how much I am growing, even if it's not super noticeable :) I think I will do these every once in a while!

Monday, April 9, 2012

18 weeks

How far along? 18 weeks
Maternity clothes? nope, unless the Belly Band counts. Officially broke that out Saturday! Shouldn't have waited so long- SO.much.more.comfortable!! 

Movement? yes! Just little things pops and bubbles here and there. I love it. Can't wait to really feel her kicking around in there though!
Cravings? Not really. Although hard boiled eggs sound good pretty much all of the time (thanks Easter! :)
Anything make you queasy or sick? nope
Sleep? seems to be a little better- yay!
Best moment this week: feeling those little movements here and there (usually something at least once a day) and had a good doctor appointment Thursday! Although I'm going to stop looking at the scale when I step up there- that number is moving up a little too fast for me!
Gender: sweet girl 
Labor signs? Too early!
Symptoms? nausea is still hanging around, but other than that just a growing belly! (and chest!)
Belly button in or out? In!
What I miss: I really don't miss a whole lot. 
What I am looking forward to: our 19 week ultrasound next week- ready to see and hear her, and hoping/praying for a great, healthy report!
Weekly wisdom: Being able to be pregnant and have a baby is such a blessing- I really try to focus on that and not complain about the things that aren't so great about being pregnant. It's hard to remember sometimes and of course there are some parts of pregnancy that aren't so wonderful (nausea/vomiting for example), but I know there are some who would give anything to be vomiting every single day for 10 months if it meant they got to have a baby at the end. So, I'll take it- the good, the bad, and the ugly! Like I've told J several times, I never thought I'd be so happy to feel so crappy! :)
Milestones: more movement!

Happy Easter!

After being out late at a friend's house Saturday (10pm is late for me nowadays, but this was for real late, like MIDNIGHT! ;), we slept in and instead of going out for brunch, I went to the store and picked up a few things to make something at home. I'm so glad we did! I cooked and we sat outside to eat. It was so pretty, we ended up staying outside all afternoon- it was nice to enjoy the weather, talk, and let Cash run around. It's crazy to think we will have an almost 7 month old on our hands next Easter! :) Late afternoon, my mom came up and we dyed Easter eggs! It's been years since I've done that (although with our little one on the way, I'm sure we will be dying eggs for many years to come!)

For dinner, we met up with Willie and Taylor for our usual Sunday night dinner AND to celebrate their birthdays! (oh and that's brunch in the middle)

And while my mom was at the house, I decided we had to take a cheesy "We're Egg-specting!" picture! I thought it was a cute idea- especially for someone announcing their pregnancy around Easter! (unfortunately, we were a little dressed down, ha!)
 Hope you had a wonderful Easter Sunday!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Egg Gender Reveal

pink flowers from Aunt Laura (in the cute mug passed down to me by Emily!)          
As I said before, we did not tell anyone about our appointment to find out the gender. I knew I didn't want to have a gender reveal party, but I still wanted everyone to be totally surprised when they found out what we were having. No one saw it coming :) With Easter being around the corner, we decided to put together eggs with a pink Peep inside with a note saying "It's a girl!". Over the last week we passed them out to a handful of friends and family. I should have taken more pictures, but that always gives away the fact that a surprise is coming! The reactions were too funny. Pretty much everyone was like, "oh ok, an Easter egg, thanks!". Even my mom opened hers and was all excited about the Peep and then saw the note stuck in the top of the egg and realized what the egg was all about- she was flipping out to say the least! It was really fun to hand out the eggs and to see the faces of those we were able to tell in person. We are all so excited about this sweet baby girl!

we're having a girl!

Monday, April 2, 2012

17 weeks

How far along? 17 weeks
Maternity clothes? still able to wear most of my clothes pretty comfortably. Haven't even busted out the belly band yet! 

Movement? I am pretty positive I've felt a few things- little bubbles and a swoosh, but still not daily or anything that's a definite movement.
Cravings? candy and sweets! Wanting ice cream more than usual and still having strawberries pretty much everyday 
Anything make you queasy or sick? nope
Sleep? about the same- not great, not awful
Best moment this week: the best moment of week 16 has got to be finding out that we are having a sweet girl! And of course getting to see her on the ultrasound- it's always amazing to see your baby and see that little heart pumping, but it was so neat for the first time to be able to see her moving her arms and kicking those little legs (a LOT! I have a feeling when she's big enough for me to feel, I'm going to be getting kicked a careful what you wish for, right!? :) Part of the ultrasound was 3D, so we did get a good look at one of her and one of her hands :) I also got to go on a fun shopping trip with 3 of my closest friends over the weekend- baby racked up!!
Labor signs? nope
Symptoms? indigestion/heartburn is a little more frequent, but I"m pretty sure the nausea is gone (hooray!!) and my energy is great most days!
Belly button in or out? in- but it's definitely getting more shallow
What I miss: really good sleep!
What I am looking forward to: my appointment this week- can never hear that heartbeat enough! And our anatomy scan in a couple weeks- praying that all is well!! Oh, and settling on a name for baby!
Weekly wisdom: the $75 we paid for the early gender ultrasound was totally worth it in my opinion! We got to see her (and find out she's a "her"!), get new photos, and a video of the entire ultrasound!
Milestones: Finding out that we are expecting a little baby girl!