Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What's it going to be?!

(one of the many) questions all pregnant women get- "are you having a boy or a girl?" OR "Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" Well, unbeknownst to everyone else, J and I are finding out THIS WEEK! Ah, I am so excited. Our 3D ultrasound appointment is Thursday, the 29th, in the afternoon. I can't believe we will know THIS WEEK (that is if baby boy or girl is cooperative and all goes well!). We were just talking yesterday how weird it is that we are already to the point where we can find out and will know in just a few short days! Anyway, back to the not telling anyone part. The reason why is this- we knew we didn't want to do a gender reveal (keeping the pregnancy secret was hard enough and I don't want to have to keep a big secret if I don't have to!), but I also knew I wanted to be able to surprise everyone with the news. So by not even telling anyone about the appointment, I'd say they are going to be preeeeetty surprised!! And then if we aren't able to get a good picture and can't find out (hopefully this will not be the case! Baby, do you hear me?? :), then we also won't have to deal with all the questions or disappointing anyone anxious to know. Plus,we only have to wait a few more weeks when we have our anatomy scan at the doctor's office where they should be able to tell us if the 3D doesn't go as planned (unless baby is really uncooperative! Or stubborn like BOTH of it's parents- yes, we might be in trouble ;). And this might sound bad, but I have a girls shopping trip this weekend to the outlets in Pigeon Forge and this was one of the main reasons I wanted to find out early- I just cannot wait to start shopping for this little bean!

Now, I really don't buy into these Old Wives Tales at all and I fully realize there is a 50/50 chance of guessing right, but I thought it would be fun to see what these say and see what the actual result is!!

Chinese calendar: Girl
Heartbeat (faster than 140 bpm = girl; slower than 140 bpm = boy): almost always in the mid-150s- Girl
Morning sickness (very sick = girl; not so sick = boy): I’ve definitely had morning sickness, but not so bad, so I’ll say- Boy
Skin (breakouts = girl; clear skin = boy): ugh, yes. Girl
Leg hair growth (no more than usual = girl; lots of growth = boy): (really?!) Girl
Cravings (sweet = girl; salty = boy): Girl
Bump position (high and wide = girl; low and centered = boy): Since I’m not really showing, I feel like it’s hard to say. At this point, I can’t tell and just feel like it’s low and wide! Ha! No answer for this one.
Breast growth (lots of growth = girl; not much = boy): Girl
Mayan calendar: Boy
Sympathy weight (if your husband gains weight during the pregnancy = girl; if he doesn't = boy): I might get in trouble for answering this! I haven’t actually seen him step on a scale, but so far he is definitely eating more for 2 than I am!- Girl
Which side do you lay on when resting (right side = girl; left side = boy): almost always left, Boy
"mother's intuition" says- Girl
"father's intuition" says- says he feels like it's going to be a Girl, but I think he's really hoping for a Boy, so we'll say Boy for him

Girl: 8
Boy: 4

Actual results in tomorrow!!!

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