Monday, March 5, 2012

13 Weeks

How far along? 13 weeks- last one of the first trimester!
Total weight gain? Not a appointment last week was canceled, so I haven't stepped on a scale in almost 3 weeks! I go back this week though, so I'll know soon enough. Eek!
Maternity clothes? Nope- still have some room to grow in my "normal" clothes
Movement? not yet, but seriously cannot wait!
Cravings? chicken salad, oreos, chocolate, and strawberries still. Also REALLY looking forward to shaved ice places starting to open up for the season- I need one! Like, everyday. 
Anything make you queasy or sick? nope!
Sleep? about the same- have a hard time going back to sleep after waking up during the night and can't seem to sleep in very late on the weekends anymore...I'm hoping this changes so that I can get as much in as possible before I can't sleep in ever again! :)
Best moment this week: anytime I get to hear our baby's heartbeat is the best moment! Got to hear it last week- 154
Gender: ???
Labor signs? no
Symptoms? still pretty tired, but I'm definitely getting some energy back and can stay up later (although I probably shouldn't!) and still having some nausea in the mornings
Belly button in or out? in
What I miss: sleeping in!
What I am looking forward to: our appointment this week and finishing up the first trimester!!!
Weekly wisdom: don't smell prenatal vitamins- blech!

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