Monday, March 26, 2012

(Sweet) 16 Weeks

How far along? 16 weeks...and starting to actually show a little! (I feel like this might be false advertising- I think something was going on this particular day or it was the top- I don't usually show this much yet)
Maternity clothes? not yet, but definitely getting closer. Broke down and bought a belly band last week... and I'm not buying anything new that can't grow with me for the next several months!

Movement? maaaybe! There haven't been any profound movements, but I've felt a few things that I'm thinking might be baby. I hope so anyway :)
Cravings? candy! 
Anything make you queasy or sick? nope
Sleep? not great, not terrible
Best moment this week: several this week- pregnancy related and not. Was only nauseous two days out of the week- major improvement! Had a really fun weekend- got to see Mary Poppins at TPAC, Lauren and Emily got to hear baby's heartbeat on the Doppler, and FINALLY got to see the Hunger Games! :)
(by the way, I fill these out at the beginning of each week, so my "best moments of the week" are technically for the week prior)
Gender prediction: I really don't know! I can most easily picture us with a girl, but I don't know if that means anything. And I still hope for a girl for J, but I know he really wants a boy. And part of me thinks it could be...50/50 chance! Either way, we will know SOON!!
Labor signs? nooope
Symptoms? getting SO much better! Although I feel like I'm getting more emotional as time goes on...lucky J ;) and heartburn still shows up every now and then
Belly button in or out? Still in. And I'm thinking it might be for a while, since I'm already 4 months along and not really showing at all!
What I miss: I can already tell I'm going to miss hanging out on patios with a cold beer or a frozen margarita...but I'll pass those up and take a frozen virgin drink (or lime popsicle!) any day for this little miracle!
What I am looking forward to: really feeling the baby move and learning if we're having a he or a she!!
Weekly wisdom: This also goes with the last question. I am learning that you are always looking forward to the next big thing in pregnancy (1st ultrasound, 1st time to hear the heartbeat, feeling baby move, finding out the gender, meeting the baby)- so while I am DEFINITELY looking forward to all of this, I also want to make sure I soak up this time while my baby is growing and developing and not wish any of the time away!
Milestones: just moving right is now about 4.5 inches long (or the length of an iPhone!)

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