Monday, March 19, 2012

15 Weeks

How far along? 15 weeks
Maternity clothes? Still no, although pants are definitely getting tight in the waist! Most I leave unbuttoned...might be time for a belly band!
Movement? Still waiting... :)
Cravings? I discovered lime popsicles over the weekend and I'm addicted! I also gave in to my chocolate cake craving over the weekend since I'd wanted some for over a week- if you've never had Newk's chocolate cake w/ chocolate, yum.
Anything make you queasy or sick? No, however, I think I've discovered some forms of red meat (for me, spaghetti sauce and taco meat) are not a good idea for me...
Sleep? some nights great, some nights not so much
Best moment this week: Once again, getting to hear Baby E's heartbeat at our 14 week appointment (this time around 155-160) and got a prenatal massage Saturday- and I'll definitely be going back!
Gender: getting very excited to find out as we count down the weeks! J definitely wants a boy. I sort of think it's a girl, but when I imagine telling people, I'm hearing boy and seeing blue...interesting. We will see! I just want a healthy baby!
Labor signs? Nope  
Symptoms? energy level feels almost back to normal and the nausea is getting much better, yay! And it's safe to say I'm a little hormonal...yesterday I got mad at J for eating the LAST sugar free lime popsicle (and as I walk in the room as he's finishing it off, he tells me "you're right, these ARE really good!") Yeah, I KNOW! Iit's a long story, but in his defense, I had gotten another box, but they weren't sugar free so I wanted to save the sugar free ones. Lesson learned: never eat the last of what your preggo wife is craving without asking first! (and don't worry, he also went out and replenished the empty box of popsicles :)
Belly button in or out? in
What I miss: Not much right now!  
What I am looking forward to: Feeling out baby move...maybe next week?!
And another lime popsicle :) and shaved ice stands to open!!! 
Weekly wisdom: See above. Wisdom for dads to be ;)

Milestones: there's a little bit of a bump starting to show! And nausea is sloooowly going away- hoo.ray. 

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