Monday, March 12, 2012

14 weeks- hello 2nd trimester!

How far along? 14 weeks! I've been looking forward to this one for a while (8 1/2 weeks to be exact ;)
Total weight gain? Umm, since this is my blog and I can do what I want, I think I'm going to take this one off. I know it's normal to gain, but it freaks me out a little!
Maternity clothes? Not yet! Last week I probably shouldn't have said I have room to grow in a lot of my clothes, because that's not totally jeans are definitely getting tight in the waist area, my work pants are a little looser, but I don't think it's going to be long.  
Movement? Not yet...come on baby, just give me a good flutter!
Cravings? nothing new!  
Anything make you queasy or sick? No and so grateful!
Sleep? same ole, same ole...although I did somehow sleep through the night both Friday and Saturday and it was amazing!!  
Best moment this week: Well, there have been a few! Getting to hear Baby E's heartbeat (listen to it below- 148!), welcoming the 2nd trimester with open arms (please be as wonderful as everyone says you are!!), and totally unrelated to the pregnancy, a lost dog showed up at our house and we were able to find and return her to her owners- such a great feeling!
Gender:  ???  
Labor signs? Nope  
Symptoms? energy is still slowly coming back and I think the nausea might be getting a *little* better..maybe
Belly button in or out? in
What I miss: Not much right now!  
What I am looking forward to:  we have another appointment this week (yes, the joys of high risk pregnancies :) and possibly "officially" (and by officially I mean Facebook, sad I know!) letting the world know! I know friends and family are about to burst!  
Weekly wisdom: I'm not feeling very wise today...   
Milestones: 2nd trimester, we've made it!!

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