Friday, December 26, 2014

20 Weeks


How far along? 20 weeks 
Total weight gain: There is no telling. After all of the Christmas celebrations and I'm scared to know!
Maternity clothes? About the same. Half and half.
Movement? So much! Randomly throughout the day, but pretty consistent at night around 8-midnight. Busy lady in there!
Cravings?  Candy, fruit snacks, french fries...same as last week!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope 
Sleep? Sleep is great!
Best moment this week: Celebrating Christmas and revealing the gender to family and friends!
Gender: Sweet girl
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? Random nausea, tired, but overall feel great and have pretty good energy! Have to enjoy this 2nd trimester as much as I can!!
Belly button in or out? Sticking out and the top and getting verrrry shallow
What I miss: I would have definitely enjoyed a glass of wine (or champagne!!) at all of the Christmas parties/dinners we've been to throughout the month!
What I am looking forward to: Starting to figure out room plans and clothes (matching outfits?! Yes!!) and such!

Milestones: Lots of movement! Oh! And halfway there!!

Friday, December 19, 2014

19 Weeks


How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain: Had to cancel my appointment for this week because Claire was sick (first ear infection :( ), so there's no telling!
Maternity clothes? About half the time! But that's easy when the other half I'm wearing leggings and yoga pants ;)
Movement? yes!I was even able to feel something from the outside once this week!
Cravings?  Candy, fruit snacks, french, I don't wonder why I'm gaining weight like I am
Anything make you queasy or sick? No, just random
Sleep? good! Just need to try to get more of it!
Best moment this week: Our ultrasound of course!!! I am so excited we are having another girl, but more than anything it was so great to see her and know that she's right on track and healthy!
Gender: GIRL!
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? morning nausea has been hanging around (boo); super sleepy in the late afternoons, but that's probably due to the fact I've been staying up too late working on Christmas stuff! :); having crazy brain (I just skipped 4 questions above without even realizing it)
Belly button in or out? In, but the top is starting to poke out. Especially after a good meal.
What I miss: No more laying on my back and the days of laying on my stomach are soon coming to an end
What I am looking forward to: Christmas!!!!
Weekly wisdom: Pregnancy over the holidays makes it even harder to say no to all of the yummy treats!!!
Milestones: Finding out we are expecting a sweet girl <3>

Where's the baby??

Monday, December 15, 2014

It's a...


I am still a little shocked we are being blessed with another baby girl. I have always hoped for a sister for Claire and that one day- after the adolescent and teen years, ha!- they can be the best of friends. I was so nervous at our ultrasound. I was anxious to see the baby and make sure it looked good and healthy. Everything in the ultrasound looked great and SHE (eep!) is measuring right on track with our due date. I told the ultrasound tech we wanted to know the gender, but I wasn't sure I was ready to know! Health was the first priority, of course, but I will admit I was a little nervous how I would react to news of a boy because of how much I hoped for a girl, sisters. She was finishing up the ultrasound and wiping my belly and I asked if she would tell us the gender. She was like, of course! I asked her if she already knew and she said she did (I thought J and I would be able to catch it, but she was sneaky! Although we both thought we saw a sneak at the infamous "lines" ;) She gelled me back up and sure enough, another sweet girl. I said, really?! And asked her if she was 100% positive and she said, oh yeah. And proceeded to show us the three tell tale lines! I kept having strong girl feelings here and there, but had really convinced myself there was no way. I got really teary eyed. I'm just so excited for Claire to have a sister AND to use our girl name!!! So there you have it. J is going to be surrounded by ladies and there will be a lot of pink (and fights over the bathroom, clothes, and all that fun stuff!) in our future!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Boy or girl, girl or boy?!

Haha, I love this. I needed this weeks ago! It's definitely a boy or a girl. And in a few short days, we will know which one it is! I wanted to check out some old wives tales like I did when I was pregnant with Claire, and share some dreams I've had, before we officially find out. These are so silly, but it's fun to look back on! Of course there's a 50% chance it's a boy and a 50% chance it's a girl, and 100% chance it's a boy or girl ;)

Chinese calendar: Girl
Heartbeat (faster than 140 bpm = girl; slower than 140 bpm = boy): we have only gotten one heart rate and that was at the first ultrasound. It was 132 (but Claire's was about the same at that point, too), so that's all I have to go on. So undecided since it gets faster as time goes on and that was at 6 weeks!
Morning sickness (very sick = girl; not so sick = boy): LOTS of nausea so I will say Girl
Skin (breakouts = girl; clear skin = boy): Girl
Leg hair growth (no more than usual = girl; lots of growth = boy): ha, weird. Girl
Cravings (sweet = girl; salty = boy): Girl
Bump position (high and wide = girl; low and centered = boy): Since I’m not really showing, I feel like it’s hard to say. At this point, I can’t tell and just feel like it’s low and wide! Ha! No answer for this one.
Breast growth (lots of growth = girl; not much = boy): Girl
Mayan calendar: Boy
Sympathy weight (if your husband gains weight during the pregnancy = girl; if he doesn't = boy): I think he's gained maybe a few pounds, nothing major.  Girl?
Which side do you lay on when resting (right side = girl; left side = boy): almost always left, Boy
"mother's intuition" says- Depends on the day, although I'm leaning more toward girl, so....undecided!

"father's intuition" says- J says Girl
Girl: 8
Boy: 2
We will soon find out if these old wives are right or wrong!
Now for my dreams. I have only had three and they are all different! The first I was at an ultrasound (yes, I'm even dreaming about ultrasounds!) and found out I was having twins! The next I was at the doctor's office or hospital and a nurse passed me and said "I heard it's a boy!". In the last dream, we had gotten a report back from some DNA testing that would tell you if you were having a boy or girl and our results were "XXY" which, in my dream, meant girl. SO at this point if we go in and find out there are two babies in there, I won't be that surprised and I could almost guarantee there would be a boy and a girl! It would also explain my going back and forth on boy or girl. It feels weird not having more of an instinct like I felt like I did with Claire!
I also have a couple stories to share that make me feel like they are signs pointing to girl, but of course, WHO KNOWS. J and I have known for a long time if we had another girl we want to name her Kate. Back when Claire was just a few months old, we were shopping at a children's boutique and at the register they had necklaces you could buy with charms with your child's name engraved. They had one necklace on display as an example. The necklace had two charms, Claire and Kate. Weird, right?! The other was after I found out I was pregnant this time. Side story, before I ever got pregnant I was convinced we'd have a boy. But the moment I took the pregnancy test and saw it was positive, "it's a girl" popped in my head. Like a very matter of fact thought from I don't know where. It was definitely weird! Anyway, after I found out about baby #2 my mom and I were talking about baby names. We are still undecided on boy names (like really undecided. Have not been able to agree on one name!), but I was telling her about Kate and she wondered what the name meant. After I got off the phone with her, I looked it up and found Kate means pure and bright. Claire's name means clear and bright. Pretty neat, right? All of this could mean nothing, but if it turns out to be a girl, I think these are pretty cool to remember! :)

Friday, December 12, 2014

18 Weeks


How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain: I don't feel bigger, but I'm sure I am ;)
Maternity clothes? I have been wearing my maternity 3 or 4 times this week. Ha! So comfortable!
Movement? yes! I have been questioning if what I was feeling was movement or not, but it definitely is. Such a neat feeling :) He/she loves to move while I'm putting Claire to bed. That's when I notice it most.
Cravings?  Still loving fruit snacks, these yummy tangerine/carrot popsicles I got for Claire then ate almost all of them, fruit, pretzels
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope! Hardly any nausea that I can recall. Woohoo!
Sleep? sometimes have a hard time falling asleep, but sleep pretty well once I get there.
Best moment this week: feeling baby move and knowing it's baby movement!
Gender: We find out NEXT WEEK!! I can hardly contain my excitement. I've been having several days where I feel pretty strongly it's a girl...but then I get unsure again. We will know so soon!
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? just the occasional nausea, hunger, really exhausted at times. The norm!
Belly button in or out? In, but I don't think it will be long
What I miss: I really don't miss a whole lot. 
What I am looking forward to: Our anatomy scan of course! I am anxious to find out the gender, but more than anything I am so ready to take a peek at this baby and make sure he/she is healthy and growing right on track!
Milestones: MOVEMENT!

Friday, December 5, 2014

17 Weeks


How far along? 17 Weeks
Total weight gain? Too much! I was up about 12lbs at my appointment yesterday. I need to sloooow down.
Maternity clothes? Still holding out in my regular clothes...but one pair of yoga pants is getting a little tight in the waist. I better put them away before I stretch them out!
Movement? Maybe?? If so, just little pops like popcorn popping
Cravings? Still apple cider and fruit snacks! Had also been wanting this chicken and rice soup from a local Mexican restaurant and got that fix this week :)
Anything make you queasy or sick? No, thank goodness.
Sleep? Sleeping well, just staying up too late!
Best moment this week: Black Friday shopping of course! ;) I did find some good deals on maternity clothes which is nice because I hate to invest a lot of money in clothes I will only wear 6 months or less
Gender prediction? Girl?! I don't know. I'm 50/50 I guess. Ready to know so I won't have to guess anymore :)
Labor signs? No. Only harmless Braxton Hicks here and there.
Symptoms? Nausea almost completely gone!!! I can only recall having it once or twice this week. Yay! Other symptoms- headaches (although doctor says not pregnancy related); good energy, but often tired; crazy hormones (teared up when I heard the "Happy Birthday, Jesus" song on the radio. When the little girl started singing at the beginning, I got choked up! Then started laughing at myself. Ha!; sore chest :/ Back is still broken out, but not as bad as with Claire. I can't remember when I got really bad with her. Maybe this time around won't be as bad!
Belly button in or out? In, but getting flatter. Sometimes it looks like the top is already poking out some! Baby or oreos? I just can't say...
What I miss: not much! Definitely NOT missing those early pregnancy symptoms!
What I am looking forward to: this goes without saying. The anatomy ultrasound!! Not only am I super anxious to find out if this is a he or she, I'm really looking forward to getting a peek (last ultrasound was at 6 weeks and at that time resembled a peanut!) and checking baby out, making sure it's healthy!!
Weekly wisdom: Something I need to keep in mind: step away from the junk and go for the fruit and veggies!!
Milestones: Nothing major. I will say it's driving me a little crazy knowing I could go to an early ultrasound place and find out the gender at this point....

"There's a baby right there" -Claire