Saturday, June 23, 2012

28 weeks

How far along? 28 weeks
Maternity clothes? Same as last week. Although some shirts are definitely getting pretty snug and I don't want to stretch all of my regular clothes out!
Movement? She's moving more and more and the movements are getting stronger! She LOVES to move when I lay down in bed and is all over the place. She's also been doing more (what I think) are simultaneous kicks/punches so that I feel them on both sides of my belly- and my belly looks like it moves from side to side. I was using my belly to prop up a book and she was kicking it all over the place!
Cravings? not really. Fruit always sounds good of course :)
Anything make you queasy or sick? nope, although I haven't tried spinach and pizza in a while...
Sleep? I slept SO WELL on vacation! I'm talking sleeping until 9am or later and only getting up once to use the restroom- amazing! We stayed 5 days and I slept great every night...since we've been home I've been back to my usual ways...I think I need to go back to the beach for the duration ;) I did find a new sleep position that has helped relieve my hips- I put a pillow under my back on the right side, so I'm on my back, but angled to my left side. At least it adds a third option! :)
Best moment this week: going to the beach with J, my dad, stepmom, and sisters! It was nice to get away and just relax for a few days. And of course getting the best sleep I've had in quite a while! We (J, my mom, and I) also put her crib together, so now we just need the glider and the big pieces are done!
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs? none
Symptoms? growing belly! forgetful- for example, knowing I want to order something at a restaurant then ordering something else (?!), putting clothes in the dryer and not turning it on, along with not able think of words/make up words/losing my mind ;) heartburn/reflux, sore hips (really only when I sleep for long periods at a time, which really isn't an issue, ha!), BH contractions, lower abdomen pain (the kind no one knows what it is), sore ribs- she definitely prefers the right side of the womb and my ribs know it! I'm a little nervous...I mean, she's still so tiny!
Belly button in or out? the bottom half is pretty flat and the top is hanging in there
What I miss: the beach!
Weekly wisdom: be smart, but don't let your fears keep you from doing things! I was pretty nervous about going to the beach 8 hours away. But I talked to my doctor about it beforehand and found a nice hospital nearby (just in case! Can never be too prepared). Everything was fine and I'm so glad we went. Our next trip will involve an infant and lots more to pack...and I bet I won't be sleeping like I did this year ;) However, I can't wait to take her to the beach. We saw so many cute kids at the beach...and their bathing suits?! Adorable.
What I am looking forward to: working on her room and just enjoying these last 10-12 weeks!
Milestones: Third trimester!!!

1 comment:

mom/lulu said...

gorgeous <3