Sunday, July 22, 2012

32 Weeks

Countdown: 8 weeks!!

How far along? 32 weeks
Maternity clothes? a mix- and I will say, I wear a lot of the same stuff over and over
Movement? I can tell she is quickly running out of room. I still feel some kicks and jabs, but for the most part it feels like squirming around, stretching, or just movements back and forth (like dragging a foot or hand, or maybe even her bottom :), across my belly) And she got the hiccups a couple more times- twice in about 10 minutes Monday night and then Tuesday for almost a full 10 minutes. Poor thing!!
Cravings? fruit always sounds good and still pretty much anything sweet, although I'm trying really hard to be good! I did give in to my Rice Krispie treat craving- I had been wanting some for weeks! And I would LOVE a big ole diet coke right out of the vending machine, but still staying away from caffeine.
Anything make you queasy or sick? regular size meals have shown to not be a good idea- even if I don't feel full, I get so uncomfortable, so I'm trying to stick to small meals and snacking. Also watching out for what gives me heartburn and I'm thinking carbonated drinks might be a problem. Pre-pregnancy they used to help when I had heartburn, but now seem to cause it :(
Sleep? It's definitely getting better. I am waking up more to use the bathroom, but usually able to get back to sleep pretty quickly! However, I feel like the 3rd trimester tiredness is setting in slowly but surely....
Best moment this week: J was able to feel her hiccups Tuesday night :) And my mom got to come to the ultrasound this week- her first time getting to see baby in action! She was very cooperative. She is head down and had her back to mine (facing out toward my belly button). Still doing a great job practicing her "breathing", getting ready for that first big scream ;) We were also able to see her opening and closing her hands and touching her face- just precious! (we won't get another weigh in for a couple more weeks...that should be interesting!!), the tech told us she has hair and confirmed, yet again, she is still a girl (after 4 different u/s techs telling us she's a girl, she better be!) We also had a wonderful shower Saturday thrown by some of our best friends- they did such a great job and it was so fun to celebrate baby girl :) Don't worry, pictures to come!
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs? none
Symptoms?  heartburn/reflux, BH contractions, tired, swelling, run out of breath easily, back aches (the middle right), hunger! and an ever expanding belly! Last week it felt really tight, but I feel like it's adjusting and it hasn't been as bad this week.
Belly button in or out? the top still puckers out when standing, but the rest is flat! The whole thing slightly pops out when I'm sitting when I'm sitting
What I miss: not a whole lot...other than not having heartburn/reflux
What I am looking forward to: working on nursery projects and finishing up a few other small things in her room :)
Milestones: 8 months pregnant! WHOA!
WE HAVE A NAME! Well, we have the name we are going to call her...but not her full name. So.close.

Belly button!

1 comment:

mom/lulu said...

you're so beautiful!!! those last few weeks are tough, but you're tougher :) maybe time to start working 1/2 days?

and as always, your friends threw a great party saturday night

love <3