Sunday, July 15, 2012

31 Weeks

Countdown: 9 weeks!!
(or as of today, 8 weeks, 1 day!)

How far along? 31 weeks
Maternity clothes? mixing maternity and non-maternity, but most of what I wear is still non-maternity. I'd say 10% maternity, 90% non.
Movement? I think squirmy would the best way to describe what I've been feeling! A little wiggle worm kicking, punching, and stretching every now and then
Cravings? fruit- especially watermelon this week!
Anything make you queasy or sick? trying to pay attention to what gives me heartburn and stay away from that- so far chocolate and orange juice are definite no's
Sleep? I still wake up pretty frequently, but luckily have had more luck with falling back to sleep- so, yay!
Best moment this week: getting to start our twice weekly appointments (it's a lot with work and all, but so worth it to hear and see our sweet baby and know how she's doing) and having our maternity pictures taken! Also had a surprise baby shower at work! I am lucky enough to work with some really great, thoughtful people and they put together a cute shower- and even had my mom and J there!
Gender: sweet squirmy girl :)
Labor signs? none
Symptoms?  heartburn/reflux, BH contractions, tired, swelling, emotional, run out of breath easily, thirsty!
Belly button in or out? getting flatter everyday. By the end of the day or when I sit down, it is 100% flat or sticking out!
What I miss: I could do without some of the symptoms, but I really have enjoyed being pregnant!
Weekly wisdom:Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.(Phil. 4:6)
What I am looking forward to: getting our maternity pictures back and going to our first class over the weekend! And I'm really excited about our guy/girl shower next weekend and getting to see several of our friends!
Milestones: all 5 of her senses are now developed and she has doubled her weight in the past 4 weeks hitting the 4 pound mark! Wow! This week my stomach/belly started feeling really tight- up until this point, I could see my belly growing, but it really didn't feel like feels like it now! Guess that's what happens when you're carrying around a 4+pound baby around :)

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