Monday, July 30, 2012

33 Weeks

(posting a day later than usual for last week, but 34 weeks today!)

Countdown: 7 weeks to go!! (or 49 days!)

How far along? 33 weeks
Maternity clothes? A mix. My regular wardrobe (the stuff I wear over and over) basically consists of this:
Maternity- one pair of black pants, one pair of jeans and a few short sleeve shirts
Non-maternity- a few dresses, 2 maxi skirts, 2 loose fitting black pants, and several tops (I have a few that I got one size bigger and tanks/shirts with some stretch in them. I like to pair those with open cardigans for work)
Movement? She's moving as much as she can! Sometimes her movements and stretches are a little uncomfortable, but I'm sure she's a little uncomfortable, too! I'll take all the movement we can get though. Her movements are usually pretty slow and feel kind of like a golf ball rolling under my skin- kind of weird! She also gets the hiccups almost daily :)
Cravings? fruit and sweets! Can't get enough.
Anything make you queasy or sick? still sticking to small meals, avoiding citrusy stuff and carbonated drinks
Sleep? It's ok. I have developed a little bit of a pattern- I sleep really well one night, and awful the next, then really well, then bad again. I think I get so well rested on the good nights, I can't sleep the next, and then I'm so exhausted, I have a good night's sleep that night. At least half the time I'm getting decent sleep!
Best moment this week: seeing her on the ultrasound, of course! She was covering her face with her hands, but we were actually able to make out her face a little bit- her mouth, nose, and CHEEKS. Ah! I'm just going to melt into a little puddle on the floor when we meet her :)
We had our last shower at the end of the week given by my sisters and one of my best friends, Tricia. The girls threw a beautiful shower and baby girl really racked up!! She's a lucky baby for sure :) Again, I will post pictures sometime this week!
Gender: Girl
Labor signs? none
Symptoms?  heartburn/reflux (I'm nervous to say it out loud, but it has been much better this week!), BH contractions, tired, SWELLING (just my ankles luckily), back pain- the only way to relieve it is to stand or walk around (as soon as I sit back down, it starts again) or to raise my right arm up over my head to my left shoulder- kind of hard to get things done that way though...I think it may be time for a massage! :) And having a hard time catching my breath- my lungs are quickly getting crowded and at times it almost feels like I'm suffocating...yikes.
Belly button in or out? I noticed Wednesday morning that it popped out! It still sticks out more around the top edge, but the thing is out!
What I miss: not much!
Appointment Updates (figured I should add this since we have appointments every week now): She did great for her non-stress test Monday. At the ultrasounds they check for 8 things (I'm not sure what all they are- I know it includes my fluid level and her movement), this week they had gotten everything they needed except her movements, so they had to "buzz" her a few times to get her moving! She was probably just sleeping, poor thing. I know she must get tired of us bothering her every 3 days ;) My appointment with the doctor also went well. I did find out the 39th week is the latest they will let me go and my A1c came down a little bit more to 5.5%!! 
Weekly wisdom: take things one day at a time (at least this is what I'm trying to tell myself)- my to-do lists for baby, before baby, and work are overwhelming, but I just need to realize what gets done and gets done and the rest will work itself out.And she's coming whether or not I get every box checked off ;)
What I am looking forward to: seeing our sweet girl's face :)
Milestones: Hit the 50 day (or less!) mark!

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